Let's just say the idea has not been received enthusiastically, and given the numerous historical examples, I can't say I blame them.
Let's just say the idea has not been received enthusiastically, and given the numerous historical examples, I can't say I blame them.
Prior to falling hard for a certain woman, I was, to put it lightly, disdainful regarding any and all use of emojis. Yes, I'm snobbish, but that's another story. Anyways, after it happened, it didn't take long before I broke and now am disturbingly comfortable with using various sappy emojis during texts. As for your…
Can you blame him? It gets everywhere.
As if we needed further proof that Trump has the best people working for him. I seriously hope they make sure which Korea they're attacking before another bombardment starts.
Whatever pressure they may be feeling from China clearly has not stopped North Korean officials from lashing back at Trump’s increasingly aggressive foreign policy gestures, with their deputy UN ambassador, Kim In-ryong, even going so far as to suggest that “thermonuclear war may break out at any moment.” A clear…
I'd rather Zuckerberg envisioned a world where gondolas thrived on Mars and every day was joyful. Barring that, I'll take a hellscape devoid of emojis.
You make a good point there. Of course, leave it to Jimmy to interpret Mike's barely cordial overtures of past seasons as meaning the two of them have moved on from partners in crime to great pals.
There was a vaguely Lynchian mood during Mike's hunting in the early part of the episode that I liked; must have been all those dark highways and isolated areas. Jimmy's eagerness to go all in as regards the spy business was both hilarious and touching, more so given Mike's lack of enthusiasm at the idea. Also kudos…
Probably the latter, since nothing quite says "Republican and proud" like the willful destruction of countless trees purely for the purpose of a stupid prank.
Watch it knock off Bill O'Reilly's latest trash off the top bestseller spot.
Yeah, that'll really show him. They sent Pence over to South Korea to give the personal touch, but given the man's aggravating personality, I'm not holding on to any high hopes.
I had a sneaking suspicion the idea was too clever by far to have come from the frenzied horde that makes up modern conservatives.
While there’s no shortage of important things to cover, today’s subject is less so, insofar as impending war with North Korea is important, so feel free to skip. That said, it concerns Trump and books, and having mentioned one of his recommendations before, I felt it would be unpatriotic not to mention his newest…
The numerous podracing sequences on Luke's desert island make up for that.
I'll take some curly fries with a side of magnets. No cartel infighting necessary.
More than once while I was reading the book, I found myself wishing it had been written by the Milton of "Lycidas," that lovely masterwork, than the (justifiably) bitter Milton of later years. But seeing all the care and thought that he put into creating Satan, who really does get the best lines, I'm willing to live…
I finished "Paradise Lost" earlier this month, which was nice if only because I'd been meaning to read it for years now. My opinion is pretty much William Blake's take on it, although I would add that Eve was the only other character I found as interesting as Satan. Currently I'm tackling "The Portrait of a Lady,"…
Icke is just simply suggesting that lizard people, uh, find a way.
I agree, since Trump is nothing short of a poisoned well from my point of view. No matter what you draw out of him, it'll be venomous, and that's exactly why I don't trust a single person that's involved with him; it doesn't matter how "normal" or relatively sane they may be.
Cheating a bit on this one, since the ending can be viewed as more tragic in certain ways than bittersweet, but Thomas Mann's "The Magic Mountain." It still makes me gloomy, but in a pleasant way.