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"Eel" was a sea eel owned by a young Boba Fett during the period of time when he lived on the planet Kamino. Known only as "Eel", Fett's pet ate sea mice. When Boba and his father, Jango Fett, left Kamino to travel to Geonosis, Boba threw Eel into the Kaminoan sea. The sea eel was swiftly eaten by a larger fish,

"I'd like to pass on the hot tub…just for a little while. I was on my way back to the main ballroom to catch the next show."―Luke Skywalker

The saga shows an "ancient" galactic civilization thousands of years old. The setting is totally unrelated to Earth, the Milky Way Galaxy or reality, which gives it more liberty, in a sense. The Star Wars galaxy prominently features humans that look like those from Earth. Their civilization was able to develop space

Friendly was a Coruscani ogre who lived on Coruscant.

"No. No. Not Wingnut. He only joined us a month ago."
- Anakin Skywalker feeling concern for Wingnut

Several individuals within the Star Wars universe had the name of Hal:

Denseplast was a dense, weighty material that was used in the manufacture of workout balls, a type of exercise device.
- From Denseplast

Magic foam was a creation of the Shaman Logray used to extinguish fires.

The silver lined sword was a long and straight blade that saw use during the Jedi Civil War. It sparkled with a silver sheen that became brighter as the hilt was grasped.

Fascism was a political philosophy, based on militant authoritarianism.

The name of the restaurant is likely to be a reference to the real world Pizza Hut restaurant chain. The waittesses were usually Twi'leks, one of whom wears an outfit resembling Leia Organa Solo's slave outfit.

The Box took the form of a cube with several internal cubical rooms.

Jagged Antilles was a male Human and the father of New Republic pilot Wedge Antilles and Holodrama actress Syal Antilles Fel.

"Don't get too cocky, Skyboy.

Cocky to the point of arrogance, he was humbled, he was beaten and his sight was taken from him during his duel with Vader's secret apprentice, Galen Marek, over Nar Shaddaa.

He became a slythmonger and specialised in death sticks, selling to anyone who would buy.

Originally developed in the illegal pharmaceutical labs of CoCo Town, they were relatively cheap and were smuggled into the clubs of cities by slythmongers.

Aquatic broccoli were a type of edible plants that grew in watery environments. They were a part of the early death dog's diet.

The Jubjub was a business ceremony preceding an important negotiation.