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Anakin Skywalker became a legend after he slaughtered a tribe of Sand People out of revenge for killing Shmi Skywalker Lars. He was depicted as a vengeful ghost or desert demon, and the Tuskens made ritual sacrifices to ward him off, putting stolen artwork and other valuables—even Human sacrifices, such as Kitster

In 1.5 ABY, a spacer on Tatooine embarked on a quest to kill a number of Tusken Raiders after they stole the spacer's pie.

Their knowledge was preserved and transferred to their successors by oral repetition.

When Chewbacca finally decided he wanted to marry Malla, an albino Wookiee named Tojjevvuk also wanted her for himself. Chewbacca killed Tojjevvuk, and his clan placed a death mark on Chewbacca. Mallatobuck and Chewbacca did not finally marry until Tojjevvuk's father called off the death mark.

However, she was too nervous to admit her feelings for him. To get Chewbacca to notice her, Malla turned to Chewbacca's cousin for help. Their first acquaintance was followed by a traditional courtship, though some of their flirtations did not go so well. Later on, they were caught by Trandoshan slavers, but Chewbacca

Timothy Zahn first describes the species in his Heir to the Empire novel, and illustrations for the Heir to the Empire Sourcebook from West End Games show them as fairly Human-like creatures with fur. The Heir to the Empire comic depicts the Bothans differently, as largely fur-faced with long snouts.

Malla first met Chewbacca on Kashyyyk when they were adolescents. She saw him for the first time as he made what she referred to as "…a reckless, show-off jump from a Wroshyr tree, made over a needlessly long distance, flirting with death, and an utterly childish thing to do". Chewbacca's jump was quite impressive,

Her video, showing her wearing a talking Chewbacca mask and joyfully laughing as it spoke when she moved her mouth, was posted on May 19, 2016 to Payne's Facebook page and has since been viewed over 140 million times.

Humans were mammals, and so were Wookiees.

The staff could potentially be used by anyone that Logray so chose, such as the young Ewok warrior, Wicket Wystri Warrick. Individuals that Logray had not deemed able to use the staff were given a powerful burn or shock when they tried to take hold of the staff.

The Imperial March Dubstep was a variation of the popular tune "The Imperial March." The song was played on the First Death Star by the time of its construction.

It can eventually get to the point where he wants to spank her to teach her a lesson.

Despite their small size, Ewoks were physically strong enough to overpower combat-trained humans.

Lothar the Grouch lived on the seventh moon of the Zircon. He got R2-D2 to deliver a hologram message to Oscar the Grouch.

Tarp-Hard-Xenon was a sector in a computer stolen by Bothan spies.

* Yun yum - I like it

It provides photos and brief descriptions of over forty patrons of the Outlander Club as seen in Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones.

Though Kroctari could speak Basic, their nasal speech sounded very alien to Human ears, as it was interspersed with wheezing and burping noises.

Droids, less commonly known as robots, were mechanical beings that possessed artificial intelligence.

Anthony Daniels (born February 21, 1946 in Salisbury, England) portrayed the droid C-3PO in all seven of the Star Wars movies, thus being the only actor other than Kenny Baker to appear in all seven of the movies (the closest are Ian McDiarmid and Frank Oz playingPalpatine and Yoda respectively in five of the movies).