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Irvin Kershner passed away at the age of 87 on November 27, 2010 in Los Angeles, California, after a long battle with lung cancer.

One might assume that the initial "N" stands for Notluwiski, however it was not made official until The Official Star Wars Fact File Part 30.

Millennial was forever questioning what he had been taught, and he vehemently disagreed with the philosophy of the Rule of Two, which the mutant found to be far too restrictive.

You may be looking for a Sith during the Legacy era, Darth Ruyn.

The feathers of the peko-peko albatross were used in the construction of Reinforced Insulated Sheath armor.

An expert mechanical engineer himself, Vader was dismayed by the incompetence of the medical droids responsible for his resurrection in Sidious' laboratory on Coruscant. The technology in the suit was already obsolete, having been used to rebuild and create General Grievous decades earlier. While Vader retained his

The suit provided a suite of life-support systems and gave Vader relatively free movement without having to use a hoverchair.

The scenes of the forest moon were filmed in the giant redwood forests of northern California, in particular Tall Tress Redwood Grove and other forests near the remote town of Smith River.

Gift was the only surviving male son of two clone members of the Community, the Force-sensitive clones produced on a frozen moon in the Unknown Regions.

3D was part of Cad Bane's posse and took part in the operation to free Ziro the Hutt from Republic custody.

California is a real-world location in the United States of America.

Although actual gameplay rules for dejarik were developed by Lucasfilm Ltd., they never were publicly released.

Monopoly was a game played by Ewoks on Endor.

Much as Imperial officers were given English accents, Silas Carson, who portrayed Nute Gunray in Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, was asked to imitate a Thai actor's reading of his lines when looping Nute Gunray's dialog for the movie.

Nute Gunray's name had two sources from real life: The first was Republican congressman Newt Gingrich, the second was former President Ronald Reagan.

They wore rust-colored robes.

"I know."

Crazy thing is, it's true.

* Snogwash: An expletive used for disbelief in a statement made by someone else.

He led his people successfully through the trying times of the invasion, and even swallowed his pride, allowing the Naboo to make use of the Gungan Grand Army.