Reposted Wookieepedia

As mentor to the first Jedi of the new order and one of the earliest heroes of the Rebel Alliance, Kenobi's legacy would continue long after his death.

"God" was also a generalized term for any sort of deity.

Rand was a BFF-1 bulk freighter used by the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War.

Orion was the Orion system's primary star.

* Whoaaaa. Waa maa. Warrgh. ("Pardon me, I need to rest my neck muscles.")

Methods of faster construction had been developed in the years since the original station's conception, added to the fact that Imperial engineers made sure to allocate enough space on the station for the maximum possible amount of self-replicating construction droids.
- From Death Star II

* RRRrrruurgh! Arrggg! ("I'm not happy about this situation.")
- From Shyriiwook

Davrilat was a complicated religion based on harmonics.
- From Davrilat

Thus, individual Bothans put their own political and economic success above all other concerns, and as a species, Bothans put their own advancement ahead of other intergalactic interests, though many did side with the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil war. The volume of backstabbing, subtle character

Although time travel is central in many works of science fiction, it generally plays a minor role in Star Wars works.

The secondary storyline, told through excerpts from a document called The Human Exodus, traces the origin of the Human species to a lost expedition from 25th century Earth.

For reasons unknown, George Lucas maintains a strict policy of keeping the history, name, origin and whereabouts of this species unknown.

Despite being explicitly set in a galaxy far, far away, various sources have established what appear to be connections with the Star Wars universe and the real world (i.e. Earth.)

Very little is known about Yoda's early life. He was from a remote planet but which one remains a mystery.

* Peetch goola 'Too bad.'

The Wookiee stood in the moon's trajectory, howling defiantly, and was crushed to death with those Sernpidalians who could not escape.

Han Solo was known to be alive some thirty years after the battle of Endor. He along with Chewbacca aboard the Millennium Falcon, when Han remarked that they were now home.

"Chewie… we're home."
- Han Solo to Chewbacca

Japan was a galactic location where max-W 100, a PanaRobo created by Matsushita Electric, was constructed.

* Gar serim - "Yes, you're right." or "That's it."