Reposted Wookieepedia

Unlike the definitive victories of Mon Mothma, Leia Organa Solo, and Borsk Fey'lya, the election had several revotes. In the first round of voting, Rodan received 35% of the vote, Omas 28%, Ranth 18% and Quis 10%. Pwoe received a total of three votes, and he declared the election illegal. Quis was convinced to drop

"It was like steel, not steel, but hard plastic, and if you stood behind me you could see straight to Florida. You'll have to ask Boba Fett about that."
- Carrie Fisher

Slash Squadron was a clutch squadron of the Invids.

Jaxxon was a quick-witted individual with a street smart personality and a quick temper. Tall and lanky, with a large pair of buck teeth and short green fur, he usually stood out in a crowd and was often the victim of stabbing insults for his peculiar appearance.

Jaxxon's lack of popularity has been shown in polls on In the first from December 2000, asking "Which Expanded Universe character would you like to see depicted by an actor or model?," he received only 3% of the vote.

Beldorion was a Hutt Jedi Knight serving the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic roughly four hundred years before the founding of the Galactic Empire. After being sent to Nam Chorios, he fell to the dark side and established himself as the ruler of the planet. He was killed in a lightsaber duel with Leia Organa Solo

He placed a tracer on Slave I and followed Boba Fett to Bespin, intent on killing him. There, he followed Fett to the bowels of Cloud City, where he walked straight into a trap set by Fett. Four remotely activated ion cannons fired on IG-88B as he walked through a doorway. Boba Fett then shot him with a

On February 20, 2006, the first Wookiee-Cast was posted. The podcast was parody and commentary by Thefourdotelipsis on subjects relating to Wookieepedia and Star Wars in general. It did not, however, represent the official views of the wiki.

According to the story, Luuke was secretly selected by Grand Admiral Thrawn to take Luke Skywalker's place among the New Republic hierachy, and during Mara Jade's duel against Luuke on Mountain Tantiss in The Last Command, the former Emperor's Hand inadvertently killed the real Luke Skywalker and Luuke subsequently

Triclops was a Human mutant slave who was the son of the Emperor Palpatine. It is possible this relation may not have been in a strict biological sense, and that Triclops was the implementation of Darth Plagueis's experiments in the influence midi-chlorians with the goal of creating a zygote solely through the use of

An hour (also known as a Standard Time Unit) was a temporal measurement unit used in many parts of the galaxy.

Gunray was pessimistic, intolerant, highly concerned for his own welfare, and often trying to shift blame onto others.

Greedo's social ineptitude led many, including his uncle Avaro Sookcool, to perceive him as "not very bright."

There is evidence that, as time went on, the Constitution was continually modified to grant more power to the central government.

When a padawan was declared a Knight, the braid was shorn off with a lightsaber.

Amidala: "Do you think he will dismantle the Senate?"
Mothma: "Why bother? As a practical matter, the Senate no longer exists."
Danu: "The constitution is in shreds… amendment after amendment…"

The Hoovers were a small, quadruped sentient species, little-known throughout the galaxy. They were brown with black eyes and disproportionately large trunks; with this, some sucked the blood of other sentients.

Under the leadership of Palpatine's advisors, Crueya Vandron and Ishin-Il-Raz, COMPNOR gained a powerful hold over the Empire and its organs insinuated themselves into every corner of society. The Imperial Security Bureau (ISB) was established as a branch of COMPNOR to act as a counterweight to Imperial Intelligence,

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