What the hell are you talking about? The last weeks (with the exception of Charlottesville) have shown Antifa instigating violence, not defending from the attacks of fascists.
What the hell are you talking about? The last weeks (with the exception of Charlottesville) have shown Antifa instigating violence, not defending from the attacks of fascists.
“Hey as long as they’re not actively lynching black people, I guess it’s just fine.”
But many of the people attacked by Antifa in recent events were not doing any of those things.
So, being a world-renowned ethics expert is somehow a negative factor in discussing an ethical issue? What are your qualifications in the area?
You haven’t actually said anything that comes close to reason. You’re just lashing out. Your don’t even want to think about the problems. You just want to start bar fights. because of course, that’s the way we’re going to solve systemic social problems. By throwing things at people and hitting them.
I never said anything about holding hands and picking flowers being all that’s needed. We need more than that. but petty violence is not going to help in any way whatsoever.
How are those false equivalencies? They’re accurate equivalencies, because the people who beat women and blacks have their own stupid justifications for instigation violence, just like your own tortured justification for violence.
Also, as outlined in this piece by the great Peter Singer, the “antifa” tactics when used against the Nazis in WWII only backfired, and helped strengthen the Nazis:
What false equivalencies are you talking about? I made none.
So, how about violence against journalists who are merely recording Antifa protestors? Is it OK to assault them and break their cameras?
But I’m not talking about “violence in response.” If Nazis attack people, then defend yourself.
I wasn’t talking about discourse with them, I was talking about broader discourse about racism and other social issues - which the violence only distracts from, and diminishes good people because of these violent, attention-seeking assholes who want to start fights.
I thought everybody already knew this?
They’re not “just as bad” - but they actually help the Nazis achieve their goals, and perpetuate violence. They are enemies of productive civil discourse and human rights. So, in that respect, quite similar to the Nazis and Republicans.
It’s not just Nazis they’re punching. It’s also journalists. And anyone they don’t happen to like the look of.
because it’s always nice to have something out there in the world to look at and know we’re doing better than.
Since when did the internet have culture?
Why would being a senator require him to do those things?
I feel we should rastafy Sean O’Neal by ten percent or so.