
It’s true that the air in an airplane is cycled through incredibly fast with outside air, hepa filtered when it’s not, and basically the cleanest air you can find indoors, but the decision that its’s no longer effective should come through the cdc, not some idiot who stretches the definition of “sanitize” to the

you mean the next wave of the current pandemic, right?

I doubt we even have to wait for the next one.

Hell, I’ve ALWAYS felt uncomfortable with how close people get and act on flights. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gotten the flu or a cold from someone flying. You didn’t really have many options when it came to sitting beside a sick person from across the country or world. Of course, the continuing irony is

I was astonished when I moved from New England to Virginia and discovered that there are people who aren’t aware that the Civil War ended in 1865.  They’re still fighting it.  They’re also racist jackasses, and that’s why they can’t give it up.

We also had the Civil War, yet Trump supporters were still wearing Camp Auschwitz shirts and carrying Confederate flags in the Capitol on 1/6. This is who Republicans are, and more and more of them are abandoning any pretense otherwise.

Hitler decided to live on the streets for a while

Laura Ingraham at the 2016 Republican National Convention...

I was initially on the “awkward wave” team. But after watching the video, I can’t really see what else it is. And his laughing reaction afterwards strikes me very much as a 15 year old laughing that he just gave a Nazi salute on the podium and that someone else thought it was hilarious.

Yeah... I don’t know anyone who waves or gives a “nod to their team, friends or family member” with that type of gesture.

It would be a shame if that was the end of his career at 15.

for people who have paid it off or never had it to begin with, it won’t sit well.

This dude is emblematic of the modern GOP: either irredeemably stupid, or disingenuous and evil, and honestly, the distinction at this point is unimportant.

I know his perspective is rooted in hatred, not ignorance, but it’s probably worth pointing out that the perfect correlation Cawthorn seems to assume exists between chromosomes and genitals just isn’t there. Intersex people are real. Not everyone has XX or XY chromosomes. And not every person with XX chromosomes has a

What’s worse is that now I recognize that Palin-style candidates are the norm for the GOP - ignorant, unstable, and dangerous - and that Democratic leadership is incapable of the bare-knuckle, back alley politics it’s going to take to drive these people out of office.

You know, once upon a time I felt like Sarah Palin was the bottom of the barrel, and how spectacularly she flamed out at the national level would convince the GOP that they were headed down a path of electoral irrelevance if they kept putting stupid people in positions of power.

I’m not opposed to plastic surgery. I’ve had a little done myself.


I literally confronted a (conservative) co worker who was complaining about Greta Thunberg being mad in a break room situation and his response was “Well I don’t care because it’s not gonna affect me.”

In the late 90s I was involved with a drill organized by FEMA as well as state and local Emergency Management organizations about a Cat 3 hurricane hitting the NYC area. The Weather Channel even provided realistic broadcasts, weather radar, etc. for us to track the storm.