
Word on the street is that he has his own horcruxes.

Mrs. Clinton quoted Jay Z. “Jay memorably said something we should all recall: Rosa Parks sat so Martin Luther could walk and Martin Luther walked so Barack Obama could run and Barack Obama ran so all the children could fly,” she said.

This was taken *after* Trump had his fill from devouring their souls...

Or ‘series’ finale depending on how it goes :P.

Black and gay here (simultaneously). Assuming that the general context of the quote is there, he sounds like an idiot. Our rights are all equally important and they can be infringed upon in many facets, depending on the person.

I dunno, I’m pretty gay and Atlanta seems to be booming.

Agreed. Sort of surprised at all of these crude jokes. This man should be in jail.

Agreed. His sentiments about the police showing restraint doesn’t exactly help the people out there being brutalized by the police. My frustration is mostly at the situation overall as opposed to just at the President, but I just feel like we’re really letting these people down.

“It’s flawless. Restarting the engine happens faster than you can think about it.”

When driving it’s not even always about what I’m doing. There are other people using the roads as well that need to be considered. Either way, I felt safer with the car always being ‘on’.

These tweets are amazing.

In the loaner I had turning it off was as simple as pressing a button. I can’t remember where it was located anymore since this was earlier this Summer, but I appreciated how easy it was to disengage. My issue was that I live in the city and the system wasn’t quick enough for me to feel comfortable driving in our

Sorry, I meant moving forward on a personal level. Honestly this is one of my worst fears and is part of the reason why I avoid relationships. I’m just not very trusting. What he did is definitely unforgivable. It sounds like you’re in a much happier relationship now, though, so apparently it’s possible to come out of

I was given a 2016 BMW loaner (automatic) and I immediately had to turn this feature off. It felt very dangerous/untrustworthy to me for those moments when you need a quick go from being at a complete stop. It’s such a short delay but when you’re driving that can make the difference.

I’m shocked that he’s basically done nothing to help. But not that shocked. *sigh*

I honestly have no idea how you move beyond something like that. Sorry to hear that you went through it.

This image is what my internal state of mind has been this entire election, but especially now. I just...don’t...understand. I’m out of words so all I can do is ramble incoherently and scrunch up my face and make random noises.


Exactly. Self-serving.