Yeah, last night was a great chance to hold him accountable. That’s what I was expecting and it didn’t really happen.
Yeah, last night was a great chance to hold him accountable. That’s what I was expecting and it didn’t really happen.
It really happened lol. It was one of the best/most awkward half-seconds of the debate.
I just *erupted* with laughter at my desk. This is amazing.
Great post!
Thanks! Glad to hear yours subsided. I had to sleep mine off haha. Much better now.
Brilliant. Such a great show.
Unrelated, but did anyone else notice the fly that landed on Clinton’s eyebrow/forehead?
I have a very literal and painful headache from watching the debate and following the commentary here, but this makes it worth it.
I’m so anxious about this. Like I’m sweating and my hands are shaking.
Sounds like he’s too chicken to jump ship. I can only guess that ditching Donald would hurt his political future in some way, but I have to wonder if sticking it out is really a better option. I love that they’re struggling to decide on what to do. Hopefully Pence ends up like Ted <3.
Haha great clip. Thiel isn’t a complete idiot, as evil as he may be, so I’m going to assume that he knew he was bs’ing his audience when he said that. Trump knows exactly what he means when he compares America’s tainted past with greatness.
“When Donald Trump asks us to Make America Great Again, he’s not suggesting a return to the past. He’s running to lead us back to that bright future.
I can’t imagine the shame he must be feeling (assuming he’s capable). I mean, really, what better punishment could there be for having no spine/backbone.
This is fantastic. *evil cackle*
This was a *great* segment. I wonder how much she’s getting paid to defend him...
Can I get a definite answer on whether or not Trump can be replaced this far in? I feel like what I’ve been reading online so far is inconsistent. Are the Republicans going to have lay in this burning bed all the way up to the election?
Well, that was terribly awkward. I guess he was having a hard time reading the lines on the teleprompter.
“It really matters because on the Democratic side, people are prone to panicking and second-guessing. It’s been our nature, but it’s frustrating when you are me.”
“He may now bend the concept of fact as well.”
Looping...back..around? How is that even possible?