
The ignorant usually don’t :/’re better off.

It was NOT a tie. What is wrong with people...

It’s an important distinction for me and the fact that I choose to articulate that when discussing Hillary has nothing to do with being a hipster. I said I’m voting for her. How “on board” that comes across to you is irrelevant to me.

I really don’t have many friends on FB at all and it’s so funny to see the people still proclaiming “Both candidates are awful! I can’t stand either of them.”

OMG, I laughed so hard in bed at this. Like, I had to sit up and watch this twice. Amazing.

Well someone clearly needs to be listening to the bitchy women in their lives. Something tells me they aren’t where the problems are...

Haha, it’s so funny that you say that. My mom was like “Hillary better not sneeze, cough, or even blink too hard”. And she didn’t. She did good.

EXACTLY. I hate that this comment was swept over. That and his defense for discriminating against blacks in the 70s. He basically said ‘other people were doing it, too’. That’s not an excuse, Donald.

Hmm, I thought she did really, really well and I think anyone that was really listening would agree. Her answers were very specific and actionable (considering the time limit). Trump spent most of the time either denouncing her, denouncing Obama, or backpedaling comments that he had made prior to the debate. I don’t

This happened like fifteen minutes ago and I’m still wheeling. Like what?

LOL Amazing. And also true.

Typical Monday. Hope everyone recovers speedily.


That’s a...really...unflattering picture. I couldn’t with him after the Janet debacle and his stumble regarding Jesse Williams. The best thing that happened to JT was Michael Jackson and Timbaland. Without them he would’ve disappeared like the rest of his bandmates.

Right...especially factoring in you know, momentum/inertia :|. I can’t say that I’ve ever seen anything like this. I’ve seen people on the back of pickup trucks or in the container of moving trucks, though, which are both dangerous, too.

I’m wondering if she was forced to do this by the driver, who is older? Though at 20 hopefully you have the backbone to say no. It just boggles the mind.

Thanks. Totally makes sense now. What a senseless way to die :/.

I’m confused? Was the 20 year old riding with a mattress on her roof? Or was that the 41 year old? Did it fall off and hit a second vehicle?

I can’t wait for Trump to lose. I hope all of these chickens fall hard. I want the day they all chose to endorse this racist to be burned into their minds.

I’m going to go with both!