
Can someone give me a link to the site? I feel like going there now.

Alright, have not commented frequently since the... *ahem*

@EHinesNWI: Man, my wallet is hurting after buying the camera, lens, remote switch, flash card, etc.

Hah, today I ordered my Canon 60D and a Canon 50MM F/1.4 USM lens and some other goodies. []

@MifuneT: As am I. Mifune, between you and I let me tell you..

@MifuneT: Hey, I've been meaning to ask you if you got a CR-48.

Now playing

Don't like his comedy much, but this skit is gold and has everything to do with why the hackers did it.

@Brightmotor: Alright, you seem to know to much information for your own good.

@Renzo: Nevermind.. I didn't see that this article is a lifehacker crosspost, and I have a star there.

Also, this article is broken. I can star people, promote and even approve commenters.

This is only good if you have several, several drives that like the article said are HTPC.

Yeah, they've definitely had contact.

the beginning of that ad is surprisingly, illegaly, unnecessary

@Joseph Shaul: You don't, but the majority of people who buy these trucks drive much, much more than that.