
"It's not that I wrote anything particularly terrible"

@CaptMorgan74: Wireless mics are still a tad on the expensive side though. The only one who uses a wireless Shure mic is the pastor.

@CaptMorgan74: Ha, someone who shares my cable/mixing duties!

@red pear: Good point. It's just a weird combination in my opinion so that seemed a little odd.

@mrisinger: I was going to rant about how no cigar enthusiast who can afford that luxury would have so little room for his cigars.

I had a really insightful comment I was going to post but that damn website's flash made my browser explode.

You guys made me come out of Whitenoise, good job. This is how articles should be. hey guys what's wrong with 5770 in crossfire? it's even better than the 5850!

I made a beast rig at newegg for $1274 without monitor :D

@solracer: I have to admit, this made me laugh really hard. You get my official vote and a heart click.

A riced out Smart car.

@whitemex88: i have it too! it seems to be really common though

Don't tell me I'm the only one that abhors Rim's user interface?

@metronome49: "Hey guys, it's your father, the Government here, I think you're to stupid to have that many passwords. Let me just create a single one for you.

As a conservative on Gawker people always disagree with me, but I think we can definitely say this is not a good idea.

@Robotronic: It's made out of what is most likely very rough paper.

@rgt0: Hearted.

@Ding-Dang: It's oookay Ding of Dang, come back to Whitenoise. We miss you.