
I'd include Evanescence. Most of the talent went when Moody left.

Hmm. A mountain climbing game could be quite fun actually. I mean, it would basically be a tomb raider-esqueue platformer with more oh-crap oh-crap moments. Someone needs to get on that!

If only we could go back to the 80's. That was the golden decade of film, IMO.

To me the last FF was X. They jumped the shark on X-2.

I usually listen to movie/game trailer music, so artists like Audio Machine, Thomas Bergersen, Jesper Kyd, etc. That, or I put all of In This Moment's albums on random play. Depends on how angry I want to code.

Spelljammer. Still my favorite D&D campaign setting. Kind of sad that never took off better than it did.

Josh Holloway (Sawyer from Lost) would be my vote.

Overdone orchestral music? Check.
Overloaded on action shots? Check.
Showing the the best stuff now so people can skip the movie? Check.
Enough explosions to give Michael Bay a boner? … Close enough.

I actually liked 3 days to kill. Maybe it didn't have enough explosions and CGI to appeal to mainstream audiences these days.