As an epidemiologist, I’m a little giddy at the concept.
As an epidemiologist, I’m a little giddy at the concept.
There was some life-force thing connecting Buenos Aires to some place in China. Someone had to bleed into it for people to die again. Something, something, John Barrowman.
I discovered this site when watching “Torchwood: Miracle Day”
Yeah. Unfortunately, you’re an outlier. The problem with giving it to younger populations is that, at the moment, most people your age were still exposed to natural chickenpox (thus your shingles) “recently,” so they would fight off the vaccine pretty quickly. (It’s also the same reason we wait on vaccinating babies…
If you had chickenpox as a child, you are at increased risk for shingles as an adult. There is a safe and effective shingles vaccine (a variant of the chickenpox vaccine, basically) that is recommended for adults. Speak to your healthcare provider about getting it if you’re 50 years of age or older.
Thank you.
The reporter probably got it wrong. The cops clearly thought the driver was too darkly tinted to be driving.
Interestingly enough, these are all tips I give people on how to win at COD Blackout.
Molé, win an accent, eh?
Having been flying out of either BWI or Washington/Dulles, I call this list bullsh*t. BWI is way better than Dulles. Dulles is as if I stepped back into the 1960s. I mean, there’s buses taking you to your plane!
Alright... Can you next look at why I’m always followed around at the mall?
Eat enough and you’ll sh*t a brick.
“The cost of a medical student’s loans.”
So the idea here is to have something you have and something you know, right? So I know my password and I have my phone to get a code (with Google Authenticator) or a key. Is it necessary to have all three?
I’m not saying he’s racist, but he’s hugging and thumbs-upping a racist, so...
To my most conservative friend who said, “Don’t label all white people based on the actions of this one asshole,” I say this:
Ah, the Supplements and Complementary and Alternative Medicine. (SCAM, for short.) I’m of the belief that if an ailment is all in your head, but not as a result of a brain pathology, you might as well try something magical.
Please, save your sole-iloquy for the theater.
Improbable, not impossible.
Careful. You’re toeing the line between funny and unacceptably funny.