
I heard that someone got a really good picture while upside down.

Yeah, but her emails, though.

Needs a comma before “Rafi” and after “yourself.”

“...there’s a good chance members of the military will be expected to work for free.”

True. At the suggestion of a few other commenters, I’ll be using it as an aggregator, then taking out the money and putting it in more conservative investments.

Or Obama’s long form birth certificate. (Yes, I went there, and I apologize.)

Mind. Blown.

Let me get this straight... These many cameras caught this meteor, but we still don’t have one clear image of a UFO? Not one clear image of a ghost?

That is the face of a man who has some deep internal conflict. On the one hand, he loves Jesus. On the other hand, Jesus is a dark-skinned dude deep into resisting the domination of the empire.

I live a few miles away from Site R, where government VIPs would go in case of a nuclear exchange. No doubt, it’s probably on the crosshairs of Russia and China. (Can anyone else reach Maryland with a nuke? Anyone that’s hostile?)

Not that I know of. It definitely is not indicated to stop outbreaks.

The thing about Tamiflu (oseltamivir) is that it needs to be used like we use antibiotics. That is, very carefully. Back before the H1N1-2009 pandemic, we noticed that the H1N1 type went from no resistance to fully resistant in a matter of three or four years. Then the pandemic H1N1 strain came along and that one was

Hey, PA is not a backwards state.

My jersey had “747" on it, after the Jumbo Jet.

Worth taking a look. Thanks!

Correct on the fee. So that balance is after the fee for the last 8 months. You’re right about using it as an aggregator. I’ll look into that. Thanks!

Help you? You sound like a Communist. Are you a Communist?

I’ve been using Acorns since June of last year. I have $1075 as of this morning, $64 of which in market gains. I guess I do a lot of transactions?

Yeah, but are they collectively exhaustive?

“Aren’t you heartless for telling a bunch of people who are lawfully trying to help themselves and the world that they can’t because it’s dangerous?”