
this wench was so drunk with privilege that she threw the big-scary-blackman trope out the window to attack someone a whole foot taller than her.   

to marshmallows, black dick is the weapon.

oh no, they’ll let you through the door as a contractor.  they’ll even place you in a data sensitive department like sys ops, but they’ll keep you there for a decade without converting you.

#oregonman is definitely become a thing this past year. a few more incidents and a school shooting and we’ll be right on the heels of #floridaman. the rural marshmallows really are loosing it up here.

once they fix the game, hopefully cdpr will make a dlc expansion where one of your selectable classes is a cop so i can play out my bladerunner/ad police fan fic.

after barking inanities at the boy, mr keegan smelled plumes of his own breath, and thought he was being repeatedly punched in the face.

that’s funny the white trash in my neighborhood do the same thing but they don’t seem to get blasted out of their shoes by the other nearby white trash.  wonder what the common denominator is? pine?

gtfo, these are the same fucks who passed on jobs and retraining the last time in 09 and got conned into calling it ‘socialism.’

Yup. The ‘why not both’ emoji can apply to asians when it comes to white supremacy and being asian. Especially if that flavor of asian is of the ‘approved’ trinity of chinese, japanese, or korean. Few things in life my people like more than being the pet of the marshmallow man.

never try to meet that troll ‘half way.’ he’s racist through and through. he’s posted hard-r n-word replies to plenty of commenters at his leisure.

Fuck, he just got worked by Weak Cheese.  Doesn’t have it in him anymore.   

I have nothing to say about the article but...can someone start a petition for John as the next Black Panther?

that’s no jawline.  its a proto-goider.  he’s just needs to continue being a piece of shit for a couple more decades for the sacs to drop.

His face looks like my dog’s butt

sometime you pop a bit of wood when lifting heavy.

as an asian mutt i say to all my poc brothers and sisters, trust no slitty-eyed motherfucker unless you’ve known them for a long time.  far more of us happily embrace the model minority myth than any of us have the spine to admit.  there are few things more dangerously cowardly than the preferred pets of whiteness

this marshmallow fuck shit also stans for japanese rape game over on kotaku.  the venn diagram really is a circle.

i’ve always found it perplexing how quickly we vietnamese take to becoming pets for whiteness when so many of us live in the same neighborhoods as black and brown people. 1/3 of vietnamese votes went to trump in 2016 and we are the largest and most frequent asian deportees under trump’s immigration policies. but some

yikes.  its the same expression as on the hound of the plastervilles who called the cops on that dude at the dog park.  self-hatred is not a good look.