
Hiding, trying to be the next ‘white’, or stealing your culture.  As an asian dude, we tend to do all three.

Mr Brooks fights like he could almost lose to a mannequin.

Have you ever wished a truck to lose control and flip over more in your entire life?

I would say ginger baboon is pretty good at scamming.

Christ, pops gave previously confiscated guns back to his disturbed son. One of the biggest problems with guns in America is that too many white people treat them seriously. They treat ownership as a political calling card rather than having any interest in shooting. If your dumb ass isn’t comfortable enough

Maaaaannn I so know what’s going down. These clowns were like,

Ah right pedantic. Show me an article where Kotaku says its ok to promote pedophilia because of cultural differences as I have a vested personal interest in said topic.

You’re not going to find me delving into the depths of those sites looking for something to defend. This is not a wound I’d like to have opened again but I support those sites existing so women have a place to vent their due rage.

I read Kotaku daily since perhaps 2012 and I always click on their articles pertaining to pedo games, because I’m a victim, you know, of pedophelia so an article written by an author of this site defending one of these games is something I’d like to see.

Right, well if all revolutions were hashed out intellectually and politely, they wouldn’t be called revolutions. And consider,large or small all men benefitted from the misogyny. There were men who did women dirty-not you-and they certainly weren’t intellectual or polite about, and there were men-yes, you and me-who

You said Kotaku which implies a sentiment formed and endorsed by the people who own or are employed by the site, not some rando internet mook in the comments section. Am I being imprecise or are you purposefully misleading?

You said Kotaku supports pedo games from Japan because of “culture.” Show me where an author does that.

In my age I’ve come to an understanding that anything as fresh and as raw as the South Korean #MeToo must be given the space to do its thrashing. As men it is our obligation to allow the messy and uneasy first steps of this movement to play out because we were on the wrong side of history all this time. We cannot take

What’s wrong now? We’re talking about gaming shit right? Defend your take.

Are you conflating the articles on published on Kotaku where the authors call out these games as hugely problematic, with the comments section where there’s always some dirt bag apologist.

From what I understand, these two outlets kind of birthed in a vacuum, and what filled that vacuum had to have been generation, upon generation, upon generation of untold grievances. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not an advocate for any of their extreme tenets, but as a surviving sufferer of molestation -from a female no

you made no functional argument whatsoever. You only replied to me about “insults” without addressing anything else that was posted. Seemingly you just tucked tail and ran here. Like I said, any “discussion” with you would be of one in poor faith on your part. I’m just here calling shit where I see shit.

The commentors in the other thread have already disputed your insistence on separating implicit bias from racism. That you would ignore their arguments don’t make them false. That you would consider implicit bias as an acceptable best case scenario as opposed to Nazism, renders any further discussion with you done in

Ha! A dude and asian. But seriously, the continent would be better off, especially for women once the Confucianist ethic strain dies off. I mean these cultures are several millennia old, they’ve had all this time to evolve and they’re barely budging toward equality. Then you’ve got these apologist and enablers, yeah

You are being consistently pedantic. If that’s your goal then mission accomplished.