Stephan Kippe

I didn’t know there was a company that literally manufactured my dreams. 

“Concentrate, Samir please!!”

Cold cuts made from some famous pop star everyone thinks is on a yoga retreat?

I mean seriously, what can’t this thing do?

Alpeen makes cars. Alpine makes stereos.

If you were more diverse in your choice of video entertainment, you’ll find that there are plenty of black guys inside cougars.

It must be magic how they can all move so well considering their constricting underwear.

Tesla is in a preproduction trial... they just sell the preproduction crap off to employees rather then scrapping them. It’s a big alpha test.

Lots of Tesla apologists here saying that this is totally normal and all car manufacturers start their production this way... Uh... Nope, that’s what preproduction trials are for. The level the Model 3 line is operating at right now looks like at least one-year pre-SOP at a traditional auto plant... Not three months

Did you notice how the two robots closest to the camera had to withdraw and rotate the welding heads 180 degrees to change their angle of approach by less than two degrees? Those two robots are too far down the line from the work and ideally should be mounted on a vertical surface (think wall) to improve approach

I hear the Scientology investors forums also say Leah Remini puts out a lot of crap.


Except most manufacturers understand how long and difficult it is to set up a new line, so they don’t make ridiculous claims about building an absurd amount of cars before they’re ready. They also don’t throw themselves “we built a car” parties when the line isn’t even running yet.

This is why I love the Jalopink Commentariat.

Hey, can you help me load this couch into my van?

This Clio is like the Fourth Republic: unstable, pieced together out of bits, ambitious, initially successful, and unmistakably French. And like the Fourth Republic, it will fail because of cross-border pressures.

I say this about every ICE agent: if you don’t condone these actions, quit. By continuing to wear that badge, you are complicit with every action your brethren take; just following orders is what they said at Nuremberg, too. At some point, you will be hunted just as they were.

Because the military, police, etc don’t own the anthem. It’s the national anthem. It’s for all of us. Not just you. Not just me. Not the people in blue or fatigues. All of us. So, by protesting during the anthem, he is stating that we all need to take a long look at where we’re at as a nation.

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You're on fire. Do you need someone to bring you some water?

That's like threatening to fight every heterosexual at a Melissa Etheridge concert.