Stephan Kippe

In Germany an ordinary Passat is a wagon. Hardly any Passat sedans here.

As a German I have to say, that was a great analysis.

The original Smart never had a manual transmission in any market. Only the newest model (since 2016) has it.

The mighty Starion!

All that would change if TTIP would be ratified. US could get all the import cars Canada already gets. Given the anti-trade populist movement on both sides of the Atlantic however that seems unlikely.

14 inch wheels always look strange on a beetle.

I know. Sometimes an emoji is obviously not enough of a hint...

You misspelled sophisticated ;)

Terrell did not write lack of ANY repercussions. A loss of voter support is a repercussion, which Trump said he would not have to suffer if he shot a guy.

Need a safe space? Some Trump voters are surprisingly fragile.

With the exception that the DNC hack really reveiled nothing spectacular

First of all. Calm down. It’s not like US cars had a high market share in Europe before emission regulation. Catalysts were mandatory in the US decades before Europe.

You have discovered a fundamental principle of capitalism. Prices are determined by what consumers are willing to pay. Congratulations!

German prices include sales tax, so your US price is not a fair comparison.

European tax has mostly been engine size based since before WW2. Nobody keeps US manufacturers from develping efficient engines. Just like German premium manufacturers have adapted to the need of US consumers, mainly offering larger engines in the US.

Because GM doesn’t sell Chevrolets in Germany. They sell Opels, which is the third biggest seller in Germany. US built cars are not suited to European needs, to big and not efficient enough.

Yes, but the 2liter 4cylinder engines are usually 180hp Diesels with 400NM of torque, enough to exceed 140mph on the Autobahn. For example, the European BMW 320d is called 328d in the US. Not really a poverty solution...

Complete BS. The taxis are new.

I think he and Lewis can really connect over their shared receding hairline issues.
