Stephan Kippe

Shame the front of that Ghia is ruined by that tasteless headlight modification...

1. Your argument that a manufacturer like Lamborghini can not ‘afford’ crash testing is wrong, as they are a member of VW group and have access to shared safety technology and facilities.

Lamborghini is part of Volkswagen group. Their cars are constructed to the same safety standards as any other VW group car, be it VW, Audi or Bentley.

Not really.

Still doesn’t answer why they just let him lying there & bleed to death.

We used to live on Southport and Melrose. Man I miss Chicago...

Lakeview? Go Cubs!

Seems like I sensed sarcasm where there wasn't any. Apologies

UK will have to compromise on freedom of movement. No way the EU will unanimously let go of that basic freedom. And without toll free access to common market & passporting thinks could get pretty dreary for several years in Britain...

So far the U.K. is still part of the EU. It seems that even refugees don't believe that Britain will invoke article 50 anytime soon;)

You use the word humanitarian as a slur. Is that really the person you want to be?

As a Syrian, he’d be killed 10 times in the decade or longer this process takes. It’s pretty convenient to hide ones conscience behind laws. That’s what the Swiss did in the 1930s to keep these pesky jewish refugees from Germany out.

I'm in Germany. Enlighten me, what's been happening here? Have I been missing something?

Why is everyone surprised? He has a neckbeard and a hat after all...

Yes, but most people regret their suicide attempts. Guns however are far more effective, so most suicide attempts with guns end in actual suicide, as opposed to other means.

Just because something can be done doesn't mean it should.

Nice Fiat Panda dash!

It’s almost like people look past its genesis and focus on the car’s later role as a vehicle that put the world on wheels in a way only the Model T had done for the US before. Also, they were no more of a death trap than any other swing axle car.

You just invented the Yen-Dollar

Strange, the manufacturing share of GDP decline in the US mirrors the global development, which reflects the rise of new sectors like services. If the US really ‘outsourced most manufacturing’ like you said, that reduction should have been much more steep than global average, no? The truth is, that the global economy