Stephan Kippe

Yes it does. If one car has a transverse engine driving the front wheels and the other car has RWD and consequently a longitudinally mounted powertrain, there is no way to share a platform.

It has nothing to do with the Chrysler 200 platform. Nothing. It’s RWD, the 200 is FWD.

That’s why $2 mobile games don’t get pirated, right? Oh wait...

As a German I have to admit you may have a point.

Relax. As a reaction to sunday’s vote, the DAX only lost about 1.5%. Germans are chill, they just want the whole drama over with.

The catch fence at the ring did its job too. The guy killed was standing in front of it.

Pure luck. He went into the fence with the underside of his car first. Had it been the other way around, he could have easily been killed.

The simple, early 996 is currently about three years away from public opinion gradually changing. Just like 964s were 10-15 years ago. Mark my words, getting a nice unmolested one for below 20k now might be the best sportscar buy you can make today. Provided the engine doesn't nuke itself of course...

I’ll take the BRG Coupe please. It's in the tall box.

There’s a difference between 100k and 500k...

Problem is, he is not using facts. 911s never had a swing axle...

The 911 never had a swing axle. Never. No catastrophic camber changes anywhere. It lacked stiff torsion bars and had a too-short wheelbase, but it never had a swing axle. It had semi-trailing arms, all the way from the beginning in 1963 until the 964 arrived in 1989. The fron suspension was mcpherson struts, all the

Putin = Hitler and Obama = Chamberlain? You just failed SAT analogies.

So have you driven both or has he driven both?

FWD traction however is much better in the snow, as the main weight (engine & gearbox) is placed over the driven wheels. Combine that with snow tires & you should get through anything. Also, California, Nevada, Arizona, southern Texas & Florida might enjoy 2wd CUVs too.

How do you plan to fit an I6 into a transverse-fwd car?

You are a bit off. Fuel economy is a huge factor with in Europe due to significantly higher fuel prices and economy incentives in company car schemes. Also, 2wd cars are quite a bit cheaper. Unless you live in the alps, 2wd with snow tires is not an issue in winter, especially in a fwd car.

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No, his crash was at the left hander before Bergwerk. Bruennchen is all right handers.

The Ruf Yellowbird is the best one to teach you to brake in a straight line. Just finishing a lap with that thing in GT6 is a major achievement...

With the exception of the valve seals. In the 575, they hold up.