Alex W

I’m more bothered that you drive with two feet

Combining feet up and no touching...

My girlfriend had the habit of taking off her heels and sticking her feet out of the window. One day, she got smashed in the foot by a junebug. Never did it again.

Ugh… I *hate* people who lower them as they just should have gotten a different car to begin with rather than ruining it… The WRX (the older ones at least) are *meant* to have miles of suspension travel, and it’s put to perfect use when you take it offroad in the dirt to let it have some fun!

Young folks can’t understand that we grew up without car seats, facing the rear in the jump seat of the station wagon. They will never know the joy of effortlessly making faces at the driver of the vehicle behind you on those long summer drives to grandma’s.

If 40% of your income is going towards your mortgage, your house is too expensive.

I have a DataVac electric duster. I just take my PC out to the porch and blow it out periodically. More or less does the trick, not as explosive a burst as an air compressor and doesn’t run out of oomph after a few seconds of persistent blowing like canned air does.

Having worked both front and back I would say within reason they are fine and obviously the kitchen always has the option of saying no.


One correction - the payment allocations did change with the CARD Act back in 2009, one of the few customer-friendly regulations that Trump hasn’t overturned yet. Your minimum payment each month gets applied as the lender chooses, generally to your lowest-rate balance so they can keep soaking you for high-rate

All politicians are for sale to the highest bidder.

I think the difference here is that the kids involved are high schoolers. They know how to express themselves and use social media. If it was (another) elementary school it would be the parents speaking out and they are easier to brush off than the actual victims.

It really isn’t as simple as you are talking about, partly because there is really very little practical difference between the guns being used to commit these acts and their less objectionable The guns in the photo are basically identical in capability so banning the scary looking one doesn’t save lives.

The fact that the promo image at the top shows the phone in portrait mode is making me twitch.

That is always the risk you take when you are investing. However, when you compare the benefits of interest from investing to the interest you will get from a standard savings account, you can see why investing is so attractive. For instance, one of the best interest rates you can get on a savings account right now is

When I finally drank the Kool-Ade and got an iPhone, I too decided to go caseless - for about three hours. The second time I used the phone, it flew out of my hand and landed on a hard floor.

Also because the materials expensive phones are made with can often make them slippery. My Galaxy 7 Edge can be like a bar of soap sometimes. A case really helps. 

Seems like typical human behavior: This now cheaper per unit? I’ll get more units.

OMG YES. I was watching a MWM three-way on XTube, and they had 2 dogs running around the whole time, barking and whining, all while one guy is banging the woman and the other guy is eating the first dude’s ass.

Then one dog started licking the ass of second man and the other dog tried humping the woman’s head.

I shut my