
without changing the “system”, firing the cops won’t help.


...but they were only following orders.

Great article; thank you.

They flew out of Italy to Berlin one time.

AP reported that out of the 900s men who trained at Tuskegee while McGee was in attendance, only 450 were deployed overseas and 150 lost their lives.

Not to defend what she did, but considering the vast amounts of money that far wealthier people have claimed via PPE loans and other Covid-related financial assistance, this does seem like a political vendetta that has finally snagged something to chew on.

Also, looking at the requirements, if she’s the top attorney

   Like the man said, it was only a matter of time before they found something.  Being a “clean” politician don’t mean shit when you’re Black because that bar is Olympic level pole vault high and these racist fucks just walk under it for the bronze.

I mean at least not as laughably small as Agnew's bribery scandal.

So they grabbed all her financial records and only found $40k from a loan on a home in the past year? Pretty clean for a politician.

there needs to be a federal DOJ investigation, investigate all civil rights violations and violations of general safety.  Shut it down for good.

A population will find a base line, no matter what.

Rikers is a hellhole whether you’re awaiting trial there or have already been sentenced and must serve time there. Inmates running large sections of the prison is not a good look, but nor was the prior situation where COs were engaged in criminal activity to the extent of essentially being a gang themselves. They

I agree that voting is important. Ever since I gained citizenship in the 90's, I proudly voted 3rd party and vociferously argued with anyone who told me my vote was wasted but recently I gotta vote for those horrible Dems cause well you know.

Our ancestors were slaves, taken by force through the chicanery and shortsightedness of people who looked like them brought by force to these shores & forced to give up their labor and lives to people who look and sound like the very pols, & forces( as in “those who work forces”) who give is grief today. Yet they

Voting is PART of the answer.. the long term answer is really (as its always been) up to the public on deciding to live or die. The reason voting is PART of the answer is right now we have a curated set of people with their own agenda deciding for everyone (in catastrophic ways)  and trying their best to remove the

Bernard you said a mouthful. Happy Holidays!

We can’t vote, we can’t protest, and everything we build gets destroyed. All we can do is inch towards progress and not let the constant setbacks deter us. We have to fight everyday, like yesterday never happened.

Something that I’d been looking for, but not successfully finding, is the total amount of costs that places such as Alabama drag out of prisoners of both jails and prisons.

As always, the cruelty has become a goal in and of itself.