
Yes. I added "gay" to all the nouns in the o-zone article... It was quickly reverted , though.

Pretty sure luxuries won't give me the self-actualization I seek.

As a mexican programmer: I finished school, don't have a degree, earn a lot more money than most mexicans...

Well Phil is kind of a cry baby for not being able to take this... But that Marucs Beer is an asshole

Microsoft... finding new ways to screw up everyday =)

Here's a video of Microsoft's Don Mattrick being a total asshole. (like everyone else in Microsoft)

What? I thought it was awesome.

This is an awesome phone!! =)

This is horrible. Why are you guys posting this?

Grooveshark!!! Start paying attetion to it, it is awesome!! D:!!!

They aren't available on android.

I live in Mexico... more than 90% of people eyes are brown...

Sony Nex-6

I use windows phone and android =)

What effect does it have and what kind of people need it?

I know I was right hemisphere language dominant... because I had brain damage and my my verbal skills dropped a LOT. xD I think my left hemisphere is taking over these days.

Misleading titles FTL....

that would be awesome!

This was debunked in the comments of a post where you stated our breath is acidic....