
Only Daft Punk can make a 16 seconds clip of music sound so fucking amazing =)

North Koreans are like... retarded. I really don't think they have any notion of how it is like in the outside. If they want to attack they probably will even if their weapons end up killing themselves. They lack intelligence and are very emotional.

They have a windows phone app.... And it has less market share than bb10

Yes... and the nex probably has a better sensor. =)

I use windows phone and android =)

Yep tha nex has a 16mm 2.8 lens... And a sensor a little bigger than the canon aspc sensor. I think that the appeal of this camera is that it is much smaller. Also... that is has nikon printed all over it.

As far as I know, they are working on it...

I was saying about myopia because I have it. And my near vision is pretty fucking good. Hehe =P

What effect does it have and what kind of people need it?

What does 20/10 vision means? You have myopia?

I used to like bing bang theory... but the characters are dumb and they don't ever change... they keep having the same problems season after season...

Transformers, Michael Bay , Shia whatshisname, Megan Fox (toe thumb anyone?)

WOW... mindfuck... is he wearing it on the last scene?

Is the screen actually better? I thought that after retina quality your eyes just wouldn't be able to tell the difference if something had more resolution...

Why is the nexus 4 camera so fucking crappy?

I know I was right hemisphere language dominant... because I had brain damage and my my verbal skills dropped a LOT. xD I think my left hemisphere is taking over these days.

No sample shots?

This fucking sucks... I really like buying unlocked at&t phones...

I think share owners feel apple reached it maximum point? And now it's a good time to sell their shares? (BTW, I really don't know if what I think about the stock market is real or not xD)

No, I don't like them. they are ugly and boring...