
It's cool, but to any decent operator this is just how you climb things in an excavator with a dozer blade. It's amazing how versatile these things are.

During the section with the rear-facing camera, part of me was subconsciously expecting the thing to lift off, and was very surprised when it didn't.

The engine still sounds like shit compared to the old V8.

I'll see your C2 and raise you the Duesenberg Boattail Speedster.

This makes perfect sense, as F1, like most other spec series, has no tangible connection to the participants' road cars. Ferrari should compete in WRC with the FF.

Thank you! I greatly appreciate this as a Canadian, especially as it reflects what I have thought about this whole thing for a while. Another upside to a greater number of a lower-cost aircraft is more jobs available for those of us who aspire to fly them. :)

Those fan blades are a relatively common sight on the road in southern Alberta, as well as the odd bit of enormous mining equipment heading toward the oilsands. It never really gets any less impressive.

But fingerprints! FINGERPRINTS. Ugh. I wouldn't be able to bring myself to use it, and would smack any passenger that tries to.

I don't think I'll ever love any Moab concept as much as I loved the Mighty FC.

The French already run 3 man crews in the AMX Leclerc, so they do have a proven precedent for that aspect.

For sure I could see more than a few owner-operator guys going for this. Anyone who runs a fleet would be out of their mind to consider it. It's not too different from what you see in the trucking industry. A certain degree of comfort is great - even necessary - but the looks won't last long if the operator isn't

It would be helpful if the currency that the $262,000 Peugot is listed in was specified. There are two currencies in Cuba: the Cuban peso and the convertible peso. The Cuban peso is worth about 4 cents to the American dollar, and the convertible peso (CUC) is whatever the government says it is, and so it is on

Agreed! Perfect evolution of the Cala.

Finally, someone to challenge Vector in the imaginary numbers game.