
is there a food you absolutely love to eat that the mere thought of would make other people probably vomit?

This is a switch - Jalops are usually called on to help identify a car to catch a crook. This time, the crook is caught and a car is identified.


Please note that Apple TV storage isn’t for storing media files i.e. movies (though it is used to caching streaming audio/video content) but for storing apps

Please note that Apple TV storage isn’t for storing media files i.e. movies (though it is used to caching streaming

jeez, a NSFW warning would have been nice

Worked for a Got laid off along w/a third of the company a week after my fortieth birthday. Was in the shower before heading off to the unemployment office, feeling sorry for myself when the first plane struck the tower.

Not surprised that these two books didn’t make the list as I think I’m the only one who bought them:

Jeez, I thought this was a riff off the McLoving McChicken thing a piñata....

In honor of Matt’s very special...

eh, it was a good idea at the time, kid

Might want to check in with Syndergaard and deGrom for hair care tips

From the RCMP Manitoba YouTube channel:

Or heading to the bench for an extra skater/robber

because it was a stick-up!!!!

That’s what s/he said

ditto Pop Tarts when using an unfamiliar toaster

there’s a fencing feed?

ah, longform ZMF - football season has arrived indeed