
I tried umpiring girls softball the first season our town had teams. In the first game, I was hit by about a dozen pitches because the catcher refused to move her glove from the middle of the strike zone. I lasted the season...barely...

I ended up getting wasted and pulling my dick out in front of everyone.


1960s Budweiser from my uncle. Didn’t hate it, didn’t like it...

$27.99 on Amazon now

$27.99 on Amazon now

<after watching the replay>

Thanks for posting the vid for replay - I logged in just in time for the last award accepted by Clark the Cub

But anyone who hears my teaching and doesn’t obey it is foolish, like a person who builds drives a car into a house on sand - Matthew 7:26 NLT

It’s what he does, just like Geico Deico

Indeed...I love when the Karma train pulls into the station...

Kane, Kang...hmmmmmmmm....

the Chicago woman met Kang through Bumble, a location-based dating app

eBay is your best bet but I’m not sure there was a Rodman-only Bulls shirt...

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ironic that I saved this to Evernote to make the transition when my renewal comes up

Wonder what he would have chomped on if Cleveland lost...

I was worried the the Cards sweep of the Cubs (grrrrrrr) would keep them out of the spotlight. Glad Jason came through

dunno, Mr. Nacho...that scream might be enough for Mrs Nacho to be, er, satisfied...