
at least the hoodie is a step-up from the shirt...but really, the Capitol in the background?

Thanks again. Hope you won’t be offended that I refer to you as a lazy guy’s Burneko

will give it a try - thanks for explaining about the skin because I wondered about that

Antifaz, I’m a lazy single guy. Maybe Bob Evans or instant in a pinch

Nothing that mashed potatoes & gravy from Popeye’s can’t handle

APB on the following - considered jawed and dangerous

Was going to say - where’s the Sleepy Drunk?

full disclosure - I’m not a parent but the one I hear a lot:

I don’t need you to but I want you to

hell, I’m still trying to figure out Corsi

No coterie of Secret Service agents

PSA: All the more reason to disable this “feature”


Aren’t DVDs going the way of CDs?

Thumbs up for both the pic and caption


Thanks for this - would have been easier w/a thumbs up or down.

Welp, Bartman became infamous for what happened after the missed catch - from Wikipedia: