at least the hoodie is a step-up from the shirt...but really, the Capitol in the background?
at least the hoodie is a step-up from the shirt...but really, the Capitol in the background?
Thanks again. Hope you won’t be offended that I refer to you as a lazy guy’s Burneko
will give it a try - thanks for explaining about the skin because I wondered about that
Antifaz, I’m a lazy single guy. Maybe Bob Evans or instant in a pinch
Nothing that mashed potatoes & gravy from Popeye’s can’t handle
again, where’s Sleepy Drunk?
full disclosure - I’m not a parent but the one I hear a lot:
I don’t need you to but I want you to
hell, I’m still trying to figure out Corsi
No coterie of Secret Service agents
Aren’t DVDs going the way of CDs?
Thumbs up for both the pic and caption
Overlooked A Night In Heaven - a mediocre movie but plenty of gratuitous nudity...
Thanks for this - would have been easier w/a thumbs up or down.
Welp, Bartman became infamous for what happened after the missed catch - from Wikipedia: