
It irritates me that those tires and wheels rolled up that ramp

Its not confusing. When Stan was threatening to sue anyone who said he was being abused by his business manager, that was an obvious red flag for abuse. Now Stan is suing his business manager for that abuse.

I will never understand the appeal of Shenmue. I played the first for maybe 10 hours or so whn it came out and had to bail. I was just bored out of my fucking mind. It’s always been baffling to me how a game with so much to do can simultaneously have, like, nothing to do...and I cannot comprehend how or why it’s

The Shenmue games were marvels of their time, but they haven’t aged particularly well, and honestly, doesn’t The Yakuza series just do everything Shenmue did but better?

I’m slightly bummed it’s not the Iron Spider suit from the Civil War comics. But... there’s like 20 more suits not unveiled so... here’s hoping!

They’ve said no skins are being locked to pre-orders. Everything will be obtainable in game the pre-order skins are just early unlocks.

I’ve read enough angry forum posts to know that adding skins to games is basically no work and developers are lazy if there aren’t lots of them. My dozens of sources disagree with your one source!

As a PS4, PC, and Xbox One X owner, this line made me laugh:

“making something with stunning visuals that could only be achieved with the power of the PS4" 

I have good news for you...

I’ve always loved McFarlane’s work on Spider-Man.

I hope there is a Infinity War based Iron Spider suit in this game that would be amazing.This game looks fantastic though, I am so excited September can’t come fast enough.

My point was more that there must be existing laws they used in this case.

Article 1, Section 9.

Great, but how do the closeted Republican “family values” politicians get their barely legal twink asses now?

I only read the article for commenters using Burner accounts fighting for their right to pay for sex.

What’s the big deal about Surface Pro doing it? What’s the big deal about that technology in the first place?

Sure it wasn’t this one...?

I’m gonna give you a star for the sole reason that you’re the first person I’ve seen in over a year (including in my workplace) to use “intents and purposes” correctly.

The games are riddled with systems that seem like they were designed for the sole purpose of making sure you never feel like the game respects your time.

Destiny caught a break because when it launched in late 2014 after the holiday period there weren’t any huge releases for months (Witcher 3 didn’t hit till May) which meant its shortcomings weren’t a deathknell.