Remy Porter

I think the fundamental problem with those ads, is that John Hodgeman was just goddamn adorable in those ads. No offense to Justin Long, but standing next to Hodgeman, he just came off as a charisma vacuum.

There’s like 30 days in November, and we have no IDEA WHICH ONE THE SHOW AIRS ON!

This looks more like a remake of “The Wicker Man” than the remake of “The Wicker Man”.

Steam is an anticompetitive tactic. Can I delete my Steam account and still play the Steam games I own? No. Can I run the games without the Steam launcher installed? No. Epic’s shitty, but Steam is also shitty. It’s just the shit you’re used to.

Sometimes I feel like the only person who got exhausted by the MCU four movies ago. Actually, what this article describes is a big part of the reason I never got into mainline superhero comics very much- they’re so continuity heavy and require so much knowledge of all the surrounding books and characters.

When the last LoT ended with it being very clear that Ray is possessed, I was so happy, because adorable puppy dog Ray possessed is the greatest idea, and this trailer makes it look as great as I imagined.

Quick survey: how many PC games have been Steam only? I’m no expert, so I only look to GoG for comparison, but I strongly suspect that this number is non-zero.

Alien v. Tribbles

He’s a regular Bone Machine.

I look forward to when a game gets “Netflixed out” of the Stadia library.

A LoT and a DP crossover: “I think we met the only people in the multiverse who are bigger fuckups than we are.”

He’s going ahead and on-ing!

I was angry about how they wasted Olivia Colman then. That’s Numberwang, for you, I guess.

The biggest frustration I have with Valley is that it was so short. The LEAF suit is really, really well scripted. The movement feels like nothing else in any game. The game around it feels very thin, overall, but boy, that suit.

I’m not sure I’m ready for that. Like, it’s already happening and I hate it. The 90s weren’t that good. Don’t bring them back. Please!

I don’t disagree at all. I like the book far better, in part, because the book is very clear: Deckard isn’t a replicant, but the replicants are more human than the humans in that world.

Oh, thank god, I’m not the only one who loathed the tiresome navelgazing of Birdman. Great soundtrack. Fancy filmmaking with the synthetic single-take. Boring, stupid, self-indulgent movie that has far less to say than it thinks it does.

Or, not to go all Keynseian, but maybe there is no magic number, and tax rates and brackets have to constantly be re-evaluated based on broader economic conditions.

I played Holesseum. It wasn’t very good, but the novelty of it was enough to put in the dollar. A whole fucking dollar! In an era when machines were still largely $0.25.

I’d appreciate if future villains not point things like this out to me.