Remy Porter

It's not that I'm lazy or anything, but it would be a nice-to-have if your review contained a clear link to the game site, or a site where I can purchase the game. Yes, I can totally find it on my own. It just seems like it'd be a nice thing to do for the people who worked hard at making the game, yeah?

True. But I've got an explanation for that, too. Pokemon and Power Rangers remain popular.

How many people, under the age of 50, have any idea what The Dirty Dozen actually is? It's a small number.

I'm going to go out on a limb for the 80s nostalgia, and identify a few factors:

My three favorite Star Trek movies are, in no particular order:


The season finale tells us a little bit, but I fear that the finale might end up being a reset button. I predict next season will be [redacted] undoing much of what we saw this season while the [redacted] try and stop him. Liber8 becomes a much more background threat.

I'm perfectly fine with a rule that says "paradoxes don't exist". I don't particularly care why they don't exist. There's a lot of discussion among the characters about whether or not this is a branching timeline scenario or not.

The show has established that paradoxes probably don't exist. One character's grandmother was killed before she had him, and he's still around.

Wait, they're going to create a self-sustained fusion reaction on the sun? WE'RE ALL DOOMED!

Okay, that would actually be pretty good.

The issue with Avatar and The Hunger Games is that they're both too new to have properly established their influence. We simply don't know how influential they will be. Certainly, their success is driving Hollywood now, but for how long? Are they just going to be seen as fads in a few years?

It's all that I could think about, too.

But he's excellent at Numberwang! Time to rotate the board!

That's because American Maid was the only one who actually was a superhero. Well, Sewer Urchin, but only in the sewers.

The facts support female authorship, for what few facts we have. Should we ignore the long history of denying female authorship?

A huge part of what makes "Chew" awesome is its distinctive visual style. It could work animated, but as live action? No.

This sounds like a terrible idea.

Again, not really. Basic self-awareness is pretty easy. Your basic recipe for an AI is a recursive function. The input to this function is what they know about the world right now, what they know about the past, their beliefs and goals. Based on those inputs, the agent function triggers a set of actions that hopefully

Since the books were first circulated, there have been rumors that the books were actually written by male doctors.