Remy Porter

Once you start permitting people to make up sci-fi technologies, your ability to make meaningful predictions vanishes. EM, and specifically radio, works very well for long distance signaling. There's a reason we use radio telescopes to observe distant objects- space is mostly transparent across the radio portion of

Whoa, now, hold on. On what basis do you think that aliens should have noticed us by now? By what evidence? Let's say they're more than 100ly away. All they have is a spectrographic hint that the Earth might contain the elements of chemical life. Well, that's interesting, but probably not unusual.

Well, a closed time-like curve is entirely possible, and quantum mechanics doesn't forbid it. But it does have to happen on the far side of a black hole's event horizon, much like using wormholes for FTL.

It was actually Vir, but that's what I always remember about Mr. Mordant. Vir is one of the best second bananas since TV's Frank.

"And I'm going to look up and wave, just like this."

Let's just say that the first season is… not very good. Nor is the TV movie. My advice is to start at S2E1. You're going to be a little bit confused, but it's better than trying to slog through a lot of do-nothing episodes and broad "comedy" that plague the first season.

That would have been far more interesting. Especially if you structured it so that Professor Evilmore Snape was working against Dumbledore, but looked evil. So the protagonists happily side with Dumbledore, and probably end up killing Snape at his behest- only to realize that they've been had the entire time.

But choice and control is a double-edged sword- nobody forces a review on you. I won't touch upon the element of whether or not someone should care about spoilers (and let me just say, worrying about spoilers is stupid, and most people worry about the dumbest spoilers- for example, there isn't a single surprising or

See, I thought so to, "Turing? Yeah, that's a setup," but then they had an FBI agent named Sagan, so I decided they just were using names of scientists for bit parts this week.

"Rewind" sounds like the sort of thing that should be airing in syndication at 2PM on Sunday afternoons. And they need to clarify the time machine's powers. Like, obviously, there's some limitation- like maybe they can only go back in time 7 days. In fact, that'd be a great name for a show like this- "Seven Days".

Oh, a woman? I'm soooo scared!

Since it's our source of thrust, it's coming along for the ride.

We already have a starship capable of sustaining human life (and a variety of other lives) for extended periods of time. It's called "the Earth". I propose that we use a set of powerful electromagnets to vector the Sun's stellar wind and use that as a means of propulsion.

Well, shit- I didn't realize this was a block from my office until today. It's very awesome!

Bane is a non-white character? Bane, whose father was a British nobleman? Let me guess, anybody who doesn't speak English and isn't from Europe is automatically "ethnic" to you?

Yes and no. I think it's worse to white-wash a character than it is to black-face an actor. The real issue is this: there are no Native American actors that have the box-office clout that Johnny Depp has. That can lead us to an interesting discussion about institutional racism, but Hollywood isn't interested in

They brought that slide back, albeit in a highly modified form. Circa 1994 or so, I went there. There was a "cannonball loop". It still had the "loop" part, although I think they upped the water flow through the slide to cut out the sand gathering problem. It may have also been tilted on the axis so it wasn't quite a

"I'm the best at what I do, but what I do isn't very nice."

Adam West needs to reprise his role as the Grey Ghost.

Going lateral, on this one.