
Same production team as those dumpster fire shows, unfortunately.
I wouldn't give my hopes up.

If by 'rugged' they mean 'money-grubbing dick' then yes, that would be a fairly accurate description of Edison.

C'mon people. CLEARLY, he's wearing the Glove of Darth Vader. Where's that @Reposted Wookieepedia gimmick account when you need it?

I liked Archer's icy parental fury. I could do to see that put to better effect in another episode. Like, Lana and Archer Rampage to get AJ back. Ok episode, but pretty low-key for a kidnapped baby plot.

"D-D-D-D-Don't quote me regulations. I co-chaired the committee that reviewed the recommendation to revise the color of the book that regulation's in… We kept it grey!"

This. Right here.

The article says he's signed on as an EP. Feige's team is supposed to be handling the creative so I think he'll be relatively hands off.

So, I'm assuming he's going to be awkwardly shoehorned into Civil War, Dawn of Justice style then? While I'm glad its happening, I grow concerned. Part of the reason why I think the Avengers was so successful is due to the team-up aspect of the movie.Starting Spider-Man already active in Civil War or some other Marvel

Agreed.The ending does just concentrate on the fraud angle of the entire affair and not on the super uncomfortable rapeyness (or voyeurism in Ratman's case)of it. I like Fry's idiocy in it, the Virtual version of the Internet, and Bender's thieving. I even like the fake backstory for Al and Cyclopia. Weirdly

I think the Married with Children riff really woud've worked way better if they had gotten Ed O'Neil to voice Alcazar. The episode didn't really need it. It's a little incomplete without him. That aside, still one of my favorites.

Kind of reminds me of that episode of Gargoyles that introduced the Pack, actually. Pretty obvious to everyone he's a bad guy, but it's more about Ezra misplacing his trust. Like with Lex in Gargoyles, trust Ezra to hit the berserker button the next time he sees Senator B. Guile.

His comment is so DENSE. Every single phrase has so many things going on.

I'm the Doctor, I can tell what characters women should and should not be. And look at me, I'm wearing a vegetable.

Pfft, people in hell want ice water.

Oh, that's mean. Give 'em hell, Tyrese. I'd love to see a Jon Stewart GL film. If for no other reason than JLU was sweet. Also I want Geoff Johns to cry.

Needs more references to Urkel-O's.

I think what hurts the most is how my netflix account will be recommending this movie and the ones to follow constantly, regardless of genre or context, for the next several years.

I think that demotivational plaque is bored into a wall of the Simpson's writers' room.

Kid Rock is a washed-up hack fraud that's trying to draw attention to himself so he can pretend he still has any relevance in pop culture. His reaction was juvenile, uninformed, and overall unhelpful in cultivating a meaningful dialogue. Not that it matters since Rogen made it clear he wasn't trying to make a

Just make sure they're starting some shit with some Nausicaans at the Dom Jot table.

Or the Leprechaun that tells me to burn things?