
I made more or less the same comment on another post recently, but Rooney didn’t turn into a bad player, he just lost the speed and stamina to play in the Premier League because he had played more games by the time he was 30 than most players do in their entire careers. MLS is a good fit for him because of its slower

Iris > anyone on staff here, honestly

Ha! You know what doesn’t go on a hot dog? Celery salt, pickles, cucumbers, tomatoes, relish (this one is slightly controversial). But ketchup is where the line is drawn?

The cave is a tourist spot that is closed in the rainy season that starts in August-September, precisely because of flooding fears. The team’s trip in June got hit with abnormal rain that flooded the cave entrance chamber first, so their only viable path was to go further inside. By all accounts they were basically

I’m sure these kids have seen enough divers the last few days.

No Spanish or Portuguese-speaking teams in a game dramatically reduces the number of embellishment incidents.

Meanwhile poor Tammi’s getting dragged again

At one point I might have said “I would watch Sharna Burgess do anything” and the evil people at ABC heard me and....well, I’m sorry, viewers. I’m still watching, though.

This is a bad take, and you should feel bad.

Upon learning of the change in name, I cannot, in good conscience, give my vote to the doctor.

You’re a fucking idiot. It’s 100% on the car.

I keep harping on this, (stick to sprots!) but Boomers are (and have been) the greatest threat to America as the founders saw it, and have been since they were given the right to vote in 1970. They were given everything, grew up during the most prosperous time in american history, and promptly fucked every coming

if Betsy DeVos were eaten by a bear i would give the bear a medal.

Eh. I liked Evy’s better. I know we’re just talking the difference between 18 and 15, but I think at her age Zagitova doesn’t have the expressiveness and artistry. Which is to say, she might have been flawless, but it felt mechanical. I didn’t feel much watching her, unlike Evgenia’s, which was moving. Call me

I’d rather watch Evgenia any day. I feel like there’s no ‘there’ there with Alina. Yes, she’s talented af, but her performances don’t make me feel anything.


Montreal is a fucking rad city. Tampa is where old white people go to die. There’s absolutely no comparison.

Like most athletes who wind up in Sacremento, he was confused, upset, and looked for any way to get the hell out of there.

Tom Brady: somehow the one white guy on the Pats who *can’t* catch a pass

40 mph in an unsafe, modified car on a sandy, twisting road after the actress had repeatedly voiced her concerns over the safety of the stunt. Uma Thurman was within her rights to demand a stunt person to fill in for her, and yes it is an abuse of power to force her to get into a situation that she (correctly as it