I’m pretty much where he is in terms of a disability which looks so bleak that you don’t see any signs of hope, so I can absolutely understand taking that path. It’s one I think about taking a lot.
I’m pretty much where he is in terms of a disability which looks so bleak that you don’t see any signs of hope, so I can absolutely understand taking that path. It’s one I think about taking a lot.
note: I haven’t seen the movie and I am not differently abled.
... why would you bring a knife into the bathroom just because? Was he planning to, perhaps, julienne some carrots while he was in there? Mince some onions? Cut some tile he was planning to lay?
I’ll probably get shit for pulling this out of the gray BUT:
I have guys telling me I’ve hit the Wall and should grab any guy that comes along. Yeah, no thank you! I like my house, my stuff and pets, not ready to decide if I want another person to share it with. Plus these guys continually ignore that men really don’t have great sperm when they are older. They bought into the…
Generally speaking, yes. The 20-week ultrasound is when testing for a bunch of genetic anomalies occurs.
There’s really a lot of that going on in old-timey medicine. Sigmund Frued had a really bad case too. Dude, just because your mom died and your dad married some lady that was only like 2 years older than you and you had a huge fucking crush on her doesn’t mean that all of human behavior is driven by our desire to bang…
He's a pretty good example of "I have a problem so all the rest of you must be wrong." Hey dude. If coffee and tea get you sexually excited...well maybe you're the ONLY ONE who really needs to stop drinking coffee and tea, or dipping your balls in it or whatever the fuck you were doing that got you on this tear, kay?
I’m unclear on how that would help anything. What would help is reinstating Greyhound routes up north, tackling poverty up north, and addressing the ongoing impacts of colonization.
A prank is swapping all of your mate’s furniture around when he on holiday or covering his room is army men. It’s not physically or emotionally harming the woman you are supposed to love.
For women who suppress their periods: Do you look and feel bloated every month (or even all the time)??? The once or twice I’ve tried to skip my period by not taking the empty pills, it just resulted in a longer period by way of never-ending spotting.
No this is America. Obviously the answer is to arm the children. This wouldnt have happened if the other kids were armed.
This. “Usually” is one of those words that just doesn’t belong around guns, kids, or nuclear launch codes.
“Fucking Americans”, is what we say about it here in Aus. Not that our government is exactly a shining beacon of light. But we had Port Arthur, and then we shut that shit right down. Only good thing Howard ever did.
No charges?!? God I hope his ex-wife sues for total custody and wrongful death. Fuck that idiot leaving a loaded gun out. Fuck him.
*weeps onto student loan bills*
For that amount of money, I would at least write a sonnet about the product. Jeez.
I will never not hate Sherri Shepherd for choosing to make and then choosing to abandon a child.