
A sex-ed book on common sexual practices? NO FUCKING WAY! BURN THE BOOK! BURN IT!

14 minutes and 38 seconds of indecision over which of the hundreds of millions of links to click first.

You say "eating and fucking" as if there's anything more to life.

The funniest thing about it is that when he's got the mic in his hand he sounds like a news reporter in the middle of a hurricane.

Male condom—Worn by the man, a male condom keeps sperm from getting into a woman's body. Latex condoms, the most common type, help prevent pregnancy, and HIV and other STDs, as do the newer synthetic condoms. "Natural" or "lambskin" condoms also help prevent pregnancy, but may not provide protection against

This is a very sensible and humane policy.

True story:

THIS is what is meant by "compassionate care." Acknowledging that patients are people who want the same things as everybody else, including nights out with family and friends.

No surprise there... it has everything that people love about movies:

We're driving in the car and of course I text and drive

She was probably texting something about how dangerous vaccines are for children.

This is so entirely a different thing. I can't adequately describe how different this is. There are reams and reams of data showing c-sections are overused, are used against the woman's wishes and have more complications than people appreciated for a long time. It's major surgery. As opposed to vaccines on which


"Sorry you're offended, but you shouldn't feel that way."

I wanted to say something longer or more emphatic. When the in-laws (or, God forbid, my parents) say something about how he won't "let" me do something, I feel the overwhelming need to show everyone that, if I can conceive, carry, and deliver a baby ... allowing him to participate in naming it is a courtesy I'm

I think the idea that this is either-or is so misleading. It's fine to give a kid some choices. Giving them some choices that are age-appropriate and no big deal is not going to create a monster.

"But sure, let's keep focusing on mom shaming and the mommy wars and all the ways mean old ladies tear each other down. You know women—always catfighting! Pay no attention to the Congressmen behind the curtain, refusing to mandate paid maternity leave."

New weekend plans: 4 bottles of wine, lots of pillows on the floor, + these tips. Sounds like a HILARIOUS evening, I kid you not.