
Being very obviously not wanted and not feeling loved are pretty much the most dangerous things to a child’s personality. You can literally destroy their whole sense of right and wrong, among a million other things.

There’s no way she’d stay with him if she wasn’t in on the pranks. There’s no amount of money worth it. Plus she never seems to move with the sheer panic that comes with thinking something has happened or is about to happen to your kid. My daughter was one when she managed to pull a shelf down on herself, I bolted so

Which was preferable. But this thing has been fueling the fire for weeks and puts them at risk. Why wait until they find a way to pursue this somehow or legislate it? Have you seen the news? They’re drawing big protests and talking about it constantly and it’s gaining more attention. Conservatives were never going to

Seems reasonable. Are there any secret nanny peeves? I have a degenerative disorder and a 3 year old. Considering hiring some helping hands once I get worse /or she starts school.

Sometimes you have to placate a screaming toddler to get on with your day. I wouldn’t call it conceding so much as I’d call it being practical.

I agree with this, but I think the only people who are going to think of this as an admission are the conservatives fueling this. To everyone else. i.e.; sane, logical adults who understand the real world, they’ll see that PP is just giving a long sigh and trying to subdue the whiny conservative toddlers so they can

I wouldn’t even care if they were selling “baby parts”. PP offers low-cost and even free healthcare to people who can’t afford it. I remember when I was homeless as a teen and I could go to PP for an exam and get a check up, blood work, and bc for free. Pay was on a sliding scale or it was “pay what you can” which has

I was thinking something similar. Once you start trying to make rules to prevent stuff like this, things get murky. Do you require all women see a doctor during pregnancy and violate her rights? Just how far would that go, how convoluted could that law get? Although I don’t think I’d mind laws requiring you take

It’s my general rule to try to respect other people’s beliefs but I simply can’t understand how people can think God is almighty and created everything, like medicine and doctors, but expects you not to use them. The same way I can’t imagine God would make things feel good and/or make you happy but then expect you not

I believe that most people don’t know that a disproportionately large number of people often seek sex after the funeral/loss of a loved one & there’s a huge variety of reasons why.

It isn’t all that unusual for court cases to take months and even years to go to trial/prosecute, depending on where you live and how large the population that particular court is serving. I live in a moderately populated area and just going to court for a ticket is a 3-10 month wait. When I was assaulted, we had to

Sort of curious, what are the reasons a nanny might resent a parent? Like what are things that would really bother a nanny?

I just wanted to tell you guys that my new place is kitty corner with a baptist church that’s really homophobic and I have talked my boyfriend into skinny dipping and screwing in their full size above ground pool. That they baptize adults in. I mean I’m already going to hell. Go big or go home, right?

I hadn’t realize people like this existed until I went to bank two months ago to open some new accounts. I have Huntingtons which can be fairly obvious on bad days, this woman was super nice and helpful but she kept asking me about my disease and what it was and how long I will live. And then, get this, she saw my

I was watching a comedian who said for years he was basically violently flicking clitorises and also had a “signature move” to finish it off (just as she was near climax) and it wasn’t until his 30’s that a woman stopped him and was like WTF? He basically died a little inside and wondered why no woman ever corrected

Oh wait, this isn’t The Onion..?

I’m not a conspiracy theorist BUT I know for a fact there is a working drug that can cure the physical addiction to opiates and it is not produced because the company who holds the patent doesn’t believe it’s profitable (they also conveniently make a lot of money from drug addiction treatments, hmm..) I honestly

My friends have actually pretended to be having a rough time because my patented misery cure is lots o’ medical grade pot and enough fried chicken to weigh you down. The real fried chicken with cornflakes.

Why is it whenever someone acted like they did not give a fuck they always say “well I was waiting for you to come to me!” Whenever a friend is going through something I’m always right at their door going “what can I do for you?? Let me feed you!! Here is some booze and/or pot. I’m not happy until you’re happy.”

Whelp, my best friend left me... with my husband. She was my best friend for I don’t know, 5 or 6 years? And my toddlers former god-mother. She actually texted me like a half hour after they walked out of my house together trying to justify it with the fact that they had been together over a year and “he was the love