Having read through all the top comments, I’m enjoying this running theme where other commenters misinterpret your stance on this. Now admit it wasn’t a bunt damn it!!!
Having read through all the top comments, I’m enjoying this running theme where other commenters misinterpret your stance on this. Now admit it wasn’t a bunt damn it!!!
You may not have understood to whom I was replying...
On what day do you expect to demote Nick Foles?
I think our brains would be friends.
So reading through this article I get to the McVay quote, and get to the last line, and I had to pause and say, “Who’s Todd?” Somehow I don’t think my brain ever really made that connection. Like if you had asked me ‘what the Rams’ running back named Gurley’s first name was’ I think I’d have answered correctly. But…
Oh wow an Eagles fan! Tell us more about the teams you like!
I know it’s a different culture, but I’d like to think this take transcends hemispheres: caring about high school sports is fucking stupid.
I wasn’t super familiar with Morissey when I went to a music festival he was headlining. I was really hungry at the end of the night and went to a taco truck and ordered 3 steak tacos. Needless to say I didn’t get my tacos and Morrissey can go to hell.
Jimmy Butler is pretty good looking tho
My cop dad would often tell a story of a patrolman that would turn in police reports incorrectly using “a” in place of “an.” So my dad explained proper usage to him going forward. The next police report the patrolman turned in substituted “an” for “and.”
Damn, I am putting myself in your position and realizing I would have taken the EXACT same journey.
I was on Jeopardy once. One of the answers was “this proverbial piece of furniture used to help aspiring actresses land movie roles” or something. I, a 26-year-old man, only knew “casting couch” from porn and was absolutely not going to say that and become an immediate disgrace to my family. That, of course, was the…
In all seriousness, this should raise a serious discussion about whether our society should allow rehabilita-*FART NOISE*
Not only does the story feel less immersive, but they straight up took a “twist” from FIFA’s Journey from last season. When Rob Schneider is the best thing in your mode, that’s when you look yourself in the mirror and go, “Nope, we did not get this right at all.”
He sure does say the N-word a lot less in these text exchanges.
I’m a baseball fan that could reasonably name 20-25 2008 Tampa Bay Rays and I legit had no idea Jonny Gomes was on that team. This isn’t an interesting comment, but I’m going to hit publish in a minute so that’s that.
To be fair, you don’t really need any additional context to make Andre Johnson a first ballot HOF’er
This is like losing a ten dollar bill one day but then the next day you see a dog in a motorcycle sidecar wearing his own dog goggles.
Eminem is a technically gifted rapper and a bad artist. And now there are Soundcloud rappers who weren’t even born the last time he was making something interesting. When Em first dropped it wasn’t that white guys couldn’t rap, it was that there is nothing the white guys could rap about without making themselves a…