remember terry sweeney

How is this comment arrogant?

I have personally been sober for nearly 15 years. I took Mr. Buecheler’s comments as an attempt to empathize with the struggles of others based on his own personal experience. Pretty much the opposite of arrogant really.

Drawing parallels with personal experience is a core way in which human beings relate to one another. I have not lived Doc’s life, only my own, but I empathize with struggles to kick addiction and be a better person in part because of my own experiences. They are, as I mentioned, not the same struggles Doc is having,

I’d forgotten all about this. It made me ask the questions-

That wasn’t my intent and I’m sorry if it comes off that way. I was trying to illustrate that sometimes you get lucky and the switch flips.

He probably has a financial advisor. I suggest he switches.

Imagine making $100 million in 11 years and being broke. That takes Montgomery Brewster-level spending.

So... VLC has a severe bug that “allow[s] a ‘booby-trapped’ video [to] execute remote code,” and your first recommendation is to download a video from the internet and play it on VLC?

The reality is that measure put in place theoretically to protect people can actually cause bigger problems. The gloves work the same way as pads in football. They seem like they’d protect you from the biggest impact but the reality is they just make it easier to hit harder without damaging your hands.

Such a freak occurrence, dying from massive brain damage in boxing. How does something like that happen? So strange.

The USWNT already has Megan Rapinoe to provide strong leadership, but I guess Hope Solo could create a good cop/bad cop situation. After all, it usually takes more than one officer to get Hope Solo in cuffs.

Ahh yes, Malcolm Gladwell, the person who thinks the plural of ‘anecdote’ is ‘data’.

Someone please explain to me how bail that a defendant can’t afford is not a glaring violation of the 8th Amendment. I mean, this is basic Bill of Rights stuff. It’s not flashy, you can’t put a glowing cross or a pearl handle on it, but it’s right there in the original “shit we should make clear” FAQs.

I’ll take “guy who knows things” shtick over your “performative outrage” shtick any day of the week, thanks.  

Can I get the sense of moral superiority on the side

starring this because out of all the “no, U shut the fuck up” comments this is the best one

Homework assignments that are trying to sell you Casper mattresses or Squuarespace accounts......

best thing I ever did was say screw the grillmarks, and plop my cast iron skillet on top of the grate. This gives me the best of both worlds. All my meat and veggies get the perfect, even crust, while absorbing the smoky grill flavor that only cooking over a coal fire can provide. 

It’s interesting to look at Podmass articles from 5 or 6 years ago and contrast them with the current ones. So many of the recommendations from the past year or two feel like homework assignments.