remember terry sweeney

Do you have any shareable templates?

Jesus Christ, this article was bad.

Sorry, my joke didn’t translate very well. This was the comment made on the last Lifehacker masturbation post.

“This DOES NOT belong on Lifehacker! My 14 yo son comes here to look at the “neat” stuff Lifehacker has. Please stop posting adult content on a site that is supposed to have “Tips, tricks and downloads for getting things done” - ThisNeedsToStop


This is really this feature at its best.

I know it’s been a while and I’m beating a dead horse, but it’s still so darn astounding that IMDb scrapped their message-boards. I can be pretty dense with movie plots or vague endings and whenever I’d hit up the film’s page after watching something, a dozen other people would have already asked the same questions


You’re full of shit. The film has garnered near universal praise and had the 4th biggest opening of all time. There are many reasons this article is stupid, but your reply is bullshit too.

Eh, it’s a Michelle Woo article. Keep your expectations lowwwww.

Sweet fist-bump, fellow kids.

Amen. Nailed everything that’s become shitty about this once-great feature.

This week’s “Part One” episode of Casefile detailed the creation of the Silk Road. Aside from a buddy getting a few packages of mushrooms off the website, I didn’t know anything about the place and I’d have never imagined how compelling its short history was. Plenty of mentions of Gawker’s Adrian Chen too. Riveting

He’s the fucking worst. I remember once on his podcast he absolutely reamed a guy out for using the word “female” instead of “woman.”

Was Hodgman intentionally obnoxious in a schtick sorta way or just obnoxious?

Now playing

I saw Geoff Edgers interview Norm here in DC last year. Dude is just plain awful.

Man, I don’t remember if this bit was on the show or one of the movie, but when Knoxville (I think) is on a private golf-course blowing an air-horn during golfers’ downswings, it’s some of the funniest 5 minutes I’ve ever seen. Also: the last scene of one of the movies where they turn around the terrorist plot stunt

Oh, these are tricks for getting things done alright.

Man, I used to love coming to Podmass and finding these weird little gems like the Sarcast (RIP). 90% of recs the past several months are affiliated with some major website or publication and they’re just so damn polished, I may as well be listening to NPR.

I was asking, Mr. Van Driessen.