
the copyright actually says 2013 on there, i have no idea when it’s actually from

I cannot BELIEVE this was 2000.

I don’t think it’s fair that Kanye stans are bashing these models, accusing them of being unprofessional and saying they committed career suicide like they didn’t endure a form of torture today. The idea that people should be subjected to what could’ve easily become heat stroke for the sake of their careers is

Well, I’m curious to know what kind of females he’s penetrating. Female cats? Female hamsters? Female goats? Female humans? Maybe that’s why he’s having such problems.

You say that like self-promotion is a bad thing...

I prefer “female” to modify a noun — it just sounds more grammatically correct to me — but my editors disagree and changed it.

Commuications is the carry-all term for print, electronic and web journalism, as well as public relations and public speaking.


She doesn’t seem to publicly acknowledge visual artists the way she (often*) does musical artists, though. I’m not saying Fulks had a good case, but Pipilotti Rist might have done better, although she doesn’t seem to be contemplating any lawsuits. The difference between “homage” and “plagiarism” can be murky.

starring and replying to you so that everyone can see your assholey comment and humiliate you for your assholeness. enjoy your learning.

Ha! I was going to post the same thing, but then I was like, is not having a TV as profoundly meaningful a declaration as it used to be, now that people watch things on their phones?

That is amazing. Never saw that one, but damn.

Maybe I’m just being Scandinavian in my sensitivities, but our kids seeing us naked is not a problem. We’re not nudists by any means but casual nudity is unremarkably common in my house.

Or worse having one cry right outside your door because they heard a noise. I slept in only boxers until I had kids. Now I sleep in gym shorts and a shirt just so I can jump out of bed when I need to.

I can tell you that this...

This may be my last regular SNS post, but if you find me on twitter you can get Emily on demand!

Since this might be the last SNS for me in a while, here is a throw back tribute to my baby, the scaredy cat Emily.

When I went to the shelter, I was there for an hour, visiting all kinds of rambunctious and affectionate

How many Black men you know that are talking about gender?

So your grandma’s cursing was a vestige of Italy’s colonialist past? On maps of the various unwelcome Western colonizers of Africa, Italy’s stake is so small. They tried, bless their hearts.

I’m hella here for this new wave of genderfucking young rappers in Nana’s hats and necklaces. 100% HERE FOR IT (this is the approp time to name-drop my best dude Lil B, right?)

I’m starring all these fucking puns but I’m also very angry at all of you