I have no idea why she hasn’t blown Biden and Bernie into next week in the polls. She certainly has the smarts and policy callouts to do so.
I have no idea why she hasn’t blown Biden and Bernie into next week in the polls. She certainly has the smarts and policy callouts to do so.
I mean, if you had people in the group who are the sort to be "climate change isn't real"/"Colin is bad for kneeling", then to be fair you had some shit people and good riddance to bad Right Wing rubbish.
Counterpoint: DeNiro is not wrong. I say this as someone who has never been a fan of his acting. (I would take Tommy Lee Jones instead in a heartbeat.)
One more reason I’m backing Warren in the primary. Beyond articulating and actually delivering actionable policy proposals, she’s also not afraid to take a stand and stick to it (absent contravening evidence, anyhow).
I don’t doubt for a second that Senator Sanders has the wisdom required to understand the difficulties…
Boomer: “I miss the good old days”
Reminds me of the Onion story from Our Dumb Century, “Nation Escapes Depression Through Fanciful Works of H.P. Lovecraft.”
While a cancer diagnosis is a terrible thing and I am very sorry the couple is dealing with it...come on America. People expose themselves to various compounds every day, that’s life. There is NO scientific proof roundup did this to them. They are basing this claim on over 30 years of intermittent exposure. Why not…
I want the GND to succeed with the help of nuclear, not without it. At least as part of a transitionatory, mid term plan until battery capacitance is up to providing the same base load capacity. It is the safest and most reliable form of power generation.
I’m no fan of any big company (if they want me to shill for them, they can pay me PR flack money).
Oh god, check out Adam Ruins everything about the “biological clock” its all a crock of shit taken out of context. People typically quote things like “your fetility gets halved”. What they are missing is that its compared to the pre-35 age. Aka it goes from like 0.05% to 0.1%, the differences are so tiny its not even…
I have filled the ice cube tray full. Now what?
It sure would be nice to have serious contenders for the Senate instead of vanity campaigns for President.
A lot of these people running for Prez should be running for Senate.
It’s definitely way more Star Trek than discovery is
I’m starting to judge my advancing age by how few characters I recognize in these galleries... Verdict: By all rights, I should be dead by now. 😫
In fairness, last weekend I was bro’ing out at Bdubs, pounding wings and brews, and watching like game while wearing cargo shorts when this guy in a goatee and faded ball cap came up to me as was like: “My dude, we need you to grow breasts and wear a dress so you can infiltrate women’s spaces and destroy the…
If the evolution of your beliefs results in you becoming natural allies with the worst of humanity, it might be time to give those beliefs a hard look.
This is honestly the most profound evidence that God doesn't exist. Or at least any kind of benevolent one.
It was foretold that someday something would come along to make the Super Mario Brothers movie look amazing. Rejoice brothers and sisters, that day has arrived!