“Study a broad? You betcha!”
“Study a broad? You betcha!”
I still really like the exchange
Feeling iffy about the clan thing. The internal politics and reputations of various clans were a big deal in VTM and I hope they are handled appropriately. A lot of RPGs want to let you dabble in any number of abilities, but I kind of liked that each clan had a distinct identity, personality, and unique abilities unto…
So you think the government should single out a group of people and make them do special things because you have a stereotype about that group?
“Hello, fellow progressives! I’m not just another opportunistic centrist who will never offer a solid solution on anything!”
So, since Lori Loughlin is involved, is it fair to say that this scandal is everywhere you look?
“Medieval Farmer” is such an incredibly vague term, though.
reggae sucks so matter what race the person performing it is.
Because one will distract from the other. The money will always be focused on, and will be detrimental to real work that needs to be done.
He’s really old? I’m glad your here to tell us these things! Chewie take the professor in back and plug him into the hyperdrive
“Reparations” can mean a lot of different things. Cash payouts of thousands if not hundreds of thousands to people who are not prepared will not improve their lives in the long run. You don’t fix poverty with financial payouts, there have to be long term institutional changes first.
She was quick, poised and an example to all.
I’ve been reading about the Dutch. Culturally they just don’t put up with much bullshit. They can be considered “abrupt" by people not used to their ways.
Funny, I’ve been saying that in the ten years since 2016.
Based on the greys, it seems a history lesson may be in order.
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I can’t fault the guy’s preferred protein. Bison is delicious.
Yeah, i’m pretty sure the “real tragedy” is Michael Jackson raping children.