Swedish Murder Machine

The secret ingredient is cocaine.

But the police don’t set the speed limit. That is determined by your DOT, most likely through a pre-existing table; probably some feature of the road dictates that speed, or it could be any number of other reasons. If you think the speed is too low, contact your DOT’s district office and request a speed study.

Huh. I recall an article from a year or two ago that older fathers could lead to longer lives in the children, due to the necessary length of their telomeres to reach said age.

They didn’t get cancer from RoundUp; the science is pretty conclusive on it not being carcinogenic. In fact, glyphosate is biologically inert in humans. Science should be done by scientists, not juries.

Look at all those people that think the degree they just got is worth the paper it is printed on.

What they mean here is that they think the Teslas are fully capable of self-driving from a hardware perspective, hence ‘capability’, and merely need software updates to enable high function. The byline is that they are waiting on a more friendly legality atmosphere.

Hey, it’s that blue-bearded asshole that quit TNG in a huff because they wouldn’t let him ruin it! Small world.

94% of crash fatalities are caused by human error.

This touches on what I’ve always seen as a bizarre disconnect in the Anti-Choice movement. If I was seriously convinced that people were actively murdering children, there is probably no length I wouldn’t go to in order to stop it. The fact that Anti-Choice people aren’t actively attacking clinics seems to put the lie

Sure; the idea focuses more around the concept of Mobility as a Service (MaaS), wherein people rely on a wide range of transportation solutions, from microtransit to long-range travel. Due to the relative proximity of everything in downtown areas, the primary method of transportation would be walking, biking,

There was an article someone posted about the One-Punch-Man Workout a few weeks ago were they analysed it and determined that it is generally a terrible workout for a host of reasons.

This is incorrect; there is only one way to make a Mint Julep.

This is incorrect; there is only one way to make a Mint Julep.

One of the possibilities of automated vehicles, from a city planner perspective, is to minimize or even eliminate the prominence of the car in downtown areas, returning them to a pedestrian/bicycle focus with extended green spaces.

Sure, but that is partially a means to an end. She supports privatizing education because it gets around the ban on promoting religion in public schools.

Um, you know Oprah is a giant piece of shit, right? She has spent a career peddling destructive pseudo-science to the masses; not only is she responsible for launching the anti-vaxxer movement by giving Jenny McCarthy a platform, she is also responsible for launching the careers of predatory charlatans such as Dr. Oz

The thing about that that bugs me is that people usually tout a $1 trillion initiative as the solution to our infrastructure woes, but the most recent estimate is that we have about $7 trillion in infrastructure needs.

No, the Constitution sets minimal ages; setting a maximal age is a different thing and has no Constitutional precedent. This is why the Civil Rights Act is compatible with the Constitution as the Age protected class is primarily concerned with people over 40.

Seems as though dementia would be self-apparent prior to election, presidential candidates and presidents usually issue physical fitness reports to the public, and nothing about age has a causal relationship with outdated worldviews. I suppose you do, although at a guess I would suspect that you are grasping at straws

What things?

I’m not sure specifically what you are referring to, but I presume you mean that the president has to be at least 35 years of age. This doesn’t conflict with the Civil Rights Act as the ‘Age’ protected class is anyone over 40.