
But he did invent Al-Gore-ithms. That much is irrefutable.

That $3k iPhone argument is baseless and tiresome. Apple builds the phone there because it’s cheap for them to do so. Apple charges $1k for a phone because people will pay it. No sound business has a set percentage of profit margin, then charges a final price based on such a formula.

You actually think the photo attached to the story is from the car in the story?

Lots of recreational drug use up in the Bay Area...

It’s highly unlikely it was a test drive if it was a Model 3, given that they’re not currently available for test drives, at least via Tesla stores.

Wait, is that...?

not entirely opposed to the idea, but how many cats do you know that will obey anything a human says?

Says he assaulted an officer. Dude got what he deserved.

“My neighbor across the street bought a Camry Hybrid this month, and I promptly made her regret her purchase decision.”

You’re assuming money is the only thing that matters.


“My fantastic fantasy prototype car that we aren’t even building yet is faster than your car that’s been on the market for 5 years!” Congratulations Porsche. You’re only a couple year away from beating a car Tesla was selling in 2012.

I’m almost certain we could convince Canada to take all, or part of Michigan.

Need more green, orange, teal, etc... And less grey, black, and white vehicles.

You and I differ. I would prefer not to meet the people who previously slept and boned in the bed I’m going to be using. I prefer blissful ignorance.

Apples cost about the same as oranges.

Really long days and kids that probably don’t talk to him.

I’m not crazy, but my LOW PRICES are!!!

Finding a specific Subaru in Portland. This should be fun.

I don’t know the question you are asking but a Miata might be the answer.