
Let's compare that with what a gasoline powered car fire looks like, shall we?

Most people don't look far ahead, and do not realize why we need companies like Tesla to pave the future of our cars. With companies like Tesla, they have the drive to advance the current technologies, like for example batteries.

Leslie Nielsen could have totally pulled that off. Bernie, not so much..

Prediction (not groundbreaking just common sense) when Elon makes a 30-35k Tesla all the big automakers will lose their damn minds, especially if he can get the infrastructure in place to make charging more seamless. Right now the Model S is for a fairly wealthy price bracket, but the average transaction price of a

Why not?

Try being a gun owner

I can't stop laughing. Internet, please caption this for me.

I was at Will's karaoke event at Austin last year. Dude can sing and has no shame.

Jalopnik today has had more, better music videos than any day of MTV since at least 2001.

He's had this planned since he first saw the video in 1998.

Number of times I've almost been hit by a speeder: zero.

3.) In Massachusetts, It's Illegal To Have A Bro Truck

The chase happened earlier this summer, and the footage is taken from an undercover Hong Kong cop car and was recently uploaded by Next Media.

"Q" for Questionable Logic/Behaviour?

I'm sure the very vocal minority is upset about that.

How 'bout we work this out in the World Series?

You're doing it wrong. You should play San Andreas.

Only provided that Top Gear doesn't end!

I think Ron Howard should have made a film about Villeneuve or Senna vs Prost.