It did a heroic job out there. The journey home, however, was a total shit-show.
It did a heroic job out there. The journey home, however, was a total shit-show.
It’s just.... rape? A man murdering a woman isn’t a murder related hate crime, it’s just fucking murder. And it’s atrocious and horrible and should be prosecuted to the highest degree. I have no idea where hate crimes came into the picture, but it’s a strange direction to go in my opinion. <— me, having no legal…
Everyone knows that this week Elon Musk will teleport back down to Earth from his orbital platform and present…
I actually studied a lot the subject of foetal development and foetal sentience before deciding I’m pro-choice. As for religious beliefs, they should not be forced on those who don’t share them. If it doesn’t feel I’m more concerned about animal cruelty, thank you. Late term abortions are sad but more humane and quick…
I’m glad you say it’s not a simple moral question. It’s even less simple than you suggest, in fact. You seem to accept uncritically the idea that *if* life begins at conception, abortion is “murder”; that a pregnant woman should not have the right to take her fetus’s life. But even that is not so simple. I encourage…
Fuck you.
My bad, and mea culpa.
Statistically you are probably right. But, i think very few woman run down to the corner abortion store thinking they are going to get their nails done and end up getting an abortion.
I totally agree with your point about gay marriage.
Fair points, and I’m glad you can acknowledge the uncertainty of the situation. Many pro-lifers are as adamant that life begins at conception as pro-choicers are adamant that it does not. Yet many pro-lifers are not against IVF which destroys large numbers of embryos, hence why I find many hypocritical. I suppose the…
The “wrong” of which my great-aunt spoke was the hypocrisy of the patrilineal control structure in (but not limited to) Christian religion. The church’s opposition to abortion has much more to do with domination and control of women than it does with the welfare of the fetus. Ergo her comment.
I’m impressed by your willingness to both present your undecided stance as well as reply to all the people responding to you (especially those who misread your stance). I’d love to talk about some of the difficult/complex questions you brought up, but I feel like endless back-and-forth comments is a little clunky. Is…
Unfortunately I’m actually busy at work today so I’ll be brief (I’ve been so slow the past two weeks I’ve basically been employed to comment on jezebel :-p) but you do raise some interesting questions. I was referring to the scientific point of viability, which you brought up with your butterfly question.…
How can someone who truly believes abortion is murder sit by and idly mind their own business? I think they are very wrong, but I have no idea how to get through to them that an abortion is not murder, and as long as they think it’s murder, they will continue to vehemently oppose legal abortion.
It is refreshing to hear an article like this right? I live in Texas, and if my wife ever needed an abortion I know it would have been the opposite experience for us. I’m grateful for Planned Parenthood, but the one time my wife went there a few years ago for a pregnancy test they made sure to ask her her stance on…
The IOC would feel really bad about this, but in their defense, the bribes were exceptionally large.
I present you: the swiss Monteverdi Safari, which was based on the International Harvester Scout..a few hundred of them were built between 1976 and 1982
What better way to show outrage a company that creates a care that deceptively pollutes the environment than to pollute the environment by knowingly driving the same polluting car across the country.
Fortunately for me, my old car doesn’t include any of that horseshit, so my clearing work is traditional.