relative paucity of victory

Yeah, that’s always been what’s led me to believe it was a straight-up handout: there were no restrictions (other than age) on the type of vehicle cashed in, or the type of vehicle purchased with the cash. And it does look like it improved average economy, but by such a tiny amount (and to the detriment of those of us

We drive them. These offending vehicles are still miles better than much of what’s out there, so sell them on the secondhand market and give the profits to...I don’t know, asthma groups or whomever we think would benefit the most from repairing the harms the vehicles do.

It’s startling to realize there’s any debate on this (or that “most studies seem to conclude that Cash For Clunkers was actually beneficial”), given the MASSIVE environmental cost of producing a new car just to turn around and recycle it: not just the cost of the car, but of the fuel required to move every component

Yes, that’s all science is: speculation with the best-available facts, self-corrected as new facts become available. The quality of speculation regarding mercury and lead is very, very high, higher even than our confidence about salt, or the amount of water someone should drink every day. The environmental impacts of

I’m doing approximately this to a Fiero this summer, but with a plasma cutter. And without doors.

I do this a lot. I consider it part of the responsibility of owning a lifted vehicle to make use of the spaces other people can’t, so they can use the spaces that are left.

Who the hell spends $442.31 a week on food for 4 people?! Those better be some pretty impressive date nights.

What does he think he is, if not “the media”?

I drove my BMW e30 this way - in city traffic - for about eight months, because I couldn’t use the clutch pedal.

Massively worse for the environment than if they’d simply kept the cars on the road.

One method of simplifying laundry - certainly not practical for everyone - is to wear all clothes of the same fabric type and color (or at least color palette). Turn everything inside-out, and wash as appropriate. Hand-wash or small-batch any exceptions. No sorting, no worrying about damage.

Well, now, that’s completely absurd: my chin isn’t weak!

Apologies, friend: I know it can be tough to hear that other people don’t like your city as much as you do. Humans are very tribal, very attached to places, and very defensive of them. I’ve lived in New York, Chicago, LA, even Amsterdam, and the residents of all those cities were very defensive any time anyone ever

You’re correct: it was hyperbole when I said that I don’t know why anyone would live there. Some people are certainly at their happiest in NYC! But in my experience, most people would be happier living somewhere else. I understand that doesn’t match your experience; what I don’t understand is why you take it so

These are my experiences: I can do nothing but share them. When I’ve discussed the matter with people living in NYC, people who have left, lifelong residents, the conclusion that I’ve drawn more often than not is that the things they’re looking for in NYC are available elsewhere for a lower cost - here meaning “cost”

Yeah, I lived in New York City, friend. And I have yet to receive a satisfactory explanation as to why anyone would continue to live there.

They don’t, and they can’t stop complaining about it, but they still live there, often in closets that cost more than my house. I’ve yet to receive a satisfactory explanation as to why.

Now I just need you to explain how you’ve gotten your XJ to be anything other than a nightmare in the snow. I know mine’s a little light - no doors or hatch glass - but despite the BGF A/Ts, all it wants to do all winter is go sideways. Have you put extra weight in the back? Do you keep the 4x4 engaged the whole time?

No, if the perpetrator of this act were brown, he should get the help he needs before he hurts anyone else. It would be unfortunate if he were mentally ill and sent to prison, where his racist fixation and violent tendencies will only be exacerbated, rather than treated - particularly considering that he would be a